This would be an awesome feature. As a dual monitor user, I love when games allow this option. I have never have issues alt-tabbing when I use this setting with other games and it could alleviate some of the crashing. I'm really grateful for the money-ball crash fix, adding this feature or fixing the issue with alt-tabbing causing such frequent crashes would be awesome.
Alt+Tab crashes piss me off, sometimes i need to do something outside of the game really quick but steam loves to crash your game.
Yup, being able to Alt+Tab without crashing would be great! I like to take frequent breaks to keep my coffee supply going and it would be nice if I could just quick Tab out, read the forum and post something while my coffee machine does its duty. (Gawd, I'm such a caffeine addict... ) It's not high on my priority list, but I'd love if you Uberites could take a stab at it when the important bugs are fixed. Thanks!