Dont know if this is the right place to post but on the store page.. you spelled the title wrong. on the Swedish language PLANERATY ANNIHILATION << it says PLANETARY ANNIHILATION << it should be Edit: on the cosmic edition it says Beta tillgång instead of Beta tillgång also on swedish Edit 2: on the text beside the trailer. "Planetary Annihilation är ett nästagenerations RTS-spel med spelelement som aldrig tidigare skådats. Bygg och....." should be nästa generations not nästagenerations also on the swedish page I need to stop reading cause i keep finding mistakes..
I demand an answer from uber entertainment. These 'misspelled words' are not only outrageous, it is insulting, and possibly racist. Thanks for bringing this to light bourbon, without you, people would have gone around telling people of this great game called Planeraty annihilation, and no one would have known what they were talking about. Keep up the good work in the fight against communism.
I just want to say that that sounds ******* awesome. Perhaps the moons can be made of cheese? Skitters can be tiny rodents like voles, basic tanks as mice, and advanced tanks as larger rats? Aircraft could be rodents with little spinny propeller belts.
That's nothing. If you go to the main PA page, where all the sub-forums are listed, if you hover over the "PA Beta Discussion" tab, the text box displays "This is the place to discuss alpha specific issues...." So you see, you're all posting in the wrong place!