Mod that changes the game mode to mark a game private. So your games look like this: This has no other effect then changing the game mode string, so jerks still can join your game. But it might help against others. Install via the ui mod manager. If you want to modify the game type text yourself, have a look at the js file within the mod. I think you can figure out how to change it EDIT: Known bug: You cant use this for games with more than 4 players. The game won't be displayed in the list of games. This could only be fixed with a modification on the side of all players.
I suggest taking it one step further & expand the column and allow player descriptions. But then again, the pending lobby changes are probably going to do this.
There are 2 problems with that idea: 1.) Others would also need the mod, but the intention here is to prevent random people from joining. Random people dont have mods 2.) I dont think I can actually send extra data to be displayed, all I can is to change the game mode string.
Would sending extra data break things? If it doesn't, it might be useful for communicating with others that have the mod.
I havent checked that much, but from what I've seen in the code it is not possible to send extra data at all. The game mode string is a parameter to a "create game" ubernet call that only takes two parameters: the region and the game mode. Both are strings.
bug: you cant use this for games with more than 4 players. The game won't be displayed in the list of games.