How long until we get that kind of feature? Being able to rejoin games after the client crashed is quite a nice feature, but it doesnt really help when it takes 5 minutes to rejoin and the game just continues in the meanwhile.
I second this. I'm also hoping to see single player implemented, since it's a little roundabout to join an AI game, and you can't save and continue later.
Why so far I like the 2v2 shared econ, at least your teammate can do somethings while you drop, or visa versa If this was put into the game, I would like it as a game/server/map option, not something that's always on
Indeed it can be a bit frustrating setting up a game and readying immediately, then the client sits there for a few mins and lets people join before it starts loading the game. Sometimes you really just want to play with the AI and having to cancel out at the last second and start again isn't too fun to do ( and probably a bit frustrating for the people who joined your game expecting you not to immediately quit ).
We will probably get this feature at some point but probably not until we are actually using the Alliance system where our armies and Econs are not shared. BTW this feature would be a pain on a 40man game.
a hahahahahaa scary thing is i have seen real life people peeing in coke bottles just so they dont have to leave thier LAN game or online game. Disgusting but it does happen in real life some people don't have or believe in dignity Thank goodness I'm somewhat dignified, BRB pee break n coffee time .. lol
Pause game has not much too do with how teamgames work. In fact it is most useful for 1v1. Also you can put limits on how many pauses a player can create.
what about a system that would add 5-min(other options are available) breaks on regular intervals. it'd be perfect for just going to the toilet or getting a quick snack. it would be a function when creating a game, say you did create a 40-player game you can set this interval at like 30 minutes that way everyone can enjoy a short break once in a while in an otherwise 10 hour lasting game (it's even good for you health and your brain gets a little rest)
Well as a -weird- feature. Why not. I prefer a simple pause button that just pauses the game when needed though.
but for how long? I've already had games where i concur the main planet and at the last second they jump off planet to a new one so i build up a force to go kill him just to find out he left the game and has built nothing...
I assume that I am not playing jerks And if I am playing idiots I do so in automatic ranked games where I can just pwn them and get points out of it. You can see that somebody left a game by their grey name btw.
I was wondering if the grey name worked like that or not ^^ also auto ranked games? how can i play these?