I've bought the game on Steam and I've installed it. I launch it, it doesn't work. I go online and I link my account to Steam and download DirectX and I believe that's about it, nothing. It's still not working. I'm 64bit Windows 7 Home Premium. Computer type: Aspire 5738P. Help please?
You're drivers are very outdated: Code: Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 Driver Date/Size: 7/2/2009 16:54:54, 4059648 bytes Download and install "Latest Beta Driver" from this page: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeonaiw-vista64.aspx
Always check for graphics drivers updates on Intel, AMD and Nvidia websites. Built-in windows tools are never work and on laptop manufacturers websites drivers are always very outdated.
Sound drivers, but I have no idea where you can download new version because on Acer website it's also from 2009. Can you say did graphics drivers update fixed your problem?
Oh yes, it did. It's working perfectly now, problem is my PA is insanely slow at loading. But I don't blame PA, I blame my computer.
Actually PA shouldn't be too slow at loading on you hardware. Most likely you met known issue with Stem version. You need try to use Uber launcher instead of Steam: https://store.uberent.com/Download/Install?titleId=4 Just download and run game though it using your UberNet credentials and probably it's will load much faster.
Okay, I didn't know that because your first post saying you bought it on Steam. Then probably it's your computer, HD 4570 is pretty old mobile GPU after all.
Basically, lets just say I go into a match and by the time I get in, my enemy has to have at least 3 Advanced Energy Makers or whatever. And I'm pretty sad I can't play at all and I've played other games that require more then this game, and I never lag. It's unbelievable, $60 and yet I can't even play. :/
This actually result of some bugs in game and mostly everyone affected by them. Only think you can try currently it's when you run PA disable all CPU-intensive programs. After you launch game open task manager and set "PA.exe" process priority to "High". Also check that all power saving modes are disabled.
SXX, can you tell me if I can go to a computer shop and get really nice coolers installed into my laptop? I mean it overheats VERY fast for pretty much any game. I don't think it has a cooler in it, so can I or do I have to absolutely buy a new computer?
Nope. I don't think anything can be installed inside, but you can buy laptop cooling pad. Only you can decide what to do with your money. My only recommendation: if want to play games don't buy laptop, proper desktop will be cheaper and give you twice more performance for same money. If you need laptop for work you can always buy something lightweight with integrated Intel graphics, my personal choice is ThinkPad X Series or MacBook Air.