Every time I click "play" in the Games Libary for steam, there is a quick blip on the screen and then nothing loads. If I click it again after I get this error; Steam - Error Failed to start game (app already Running) I also have no icon for it on steam or the desktop shortcut. I uploaded a file with my system specs, please help me
You need to update the driver of your video card. If that won't help, try to install directx 9c again: http://www.uberent.com/pa/faq/
Actually you can, but first you need to do something else. Open directory with game and try to run PA.exe outside of Steam, make screenshot of error you get and post it here, or just post error text here.
Okay, I did that and got PA.exe - application error "the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). click OK to close the application.
Great, this one is fixable. Actually error just mean broken DLL file, but for PA it's always mean wrong d3dx9_43.dll. Quote of my own post:
thank you, that helped, now i get a window to pop up but sadly its a blank screen and then crashed saying PA.exe has stopped working, it wont give me any more info then that. but hey on the bright side i at least have a window popping up lol
Few thinks you can try: Reboot computer. Run game as administrator. If you have any antivirus or firewall disable it. Try to run PA.exe from bin_x86 folder. Post here about results.
i did that but it didn't do anything, i still keep getting the black screen window and PA.exe stops working. i honestly have no idea what to do to make it work
i still can't seem to get it to work, does anyone know how? or what i should try? i have read that i should try re-installing windows, is that my only hope?
Too bad I can't find any solution for you, but you're not alone with this problem so I'll use this topic as well for other people with very strange crashes on start: EmpireUnion have same problem i7 920, 12GB RAM, GTX 690, Windows 7, latest drivers http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/0/864980277977196502/#p2 UPD: His problem fixed by using Uber launcher instead of Steam.
so with the new update i can run the 32 bit version from the uber launcher but the 64 bit version and all steam versions crash instantly as soon as i run them.
If you can run the 32 bit version but not the 64 bit version, that sounds like some 64 bit .dll somewhere is corrupt. And alas, if you have 12GB ram, you definitely want to be running the 64 bit version. The lame-and-irritating way to try to "fix" the dlls would be to wipe and reinstall. Reinstalling PA should be pretty trivial. Alas, reinstalling windows isn't, so lets hope we can figure something else out. On possibility would be to install the free "express" version of Visual Studio and use it to launch the PA executable. The output window should list the .dlls it is trying to load in the order they are being loaded. If it stops at a particular one, that might clue us into which one needs fixing. Another possibility is that it might be possible to uninstall and reinstall just DirectX. Or maybe Windows has a "repair" option that can check for bad dlls.
At least I can say his problem not with DirectX DLLs. When Coherent crash due to invalid D3D dll there is 0xc000007b error while he just get "stop working".
i'll use the Visual Studio before re-installing and post the results, and i cant find a repair option in windows 8. and i can only run the 32 bit version from the launcher, and i cant run either of the steam versions. and with the new build 54574 i cant play the game withing crashing, i try to do anything more then look at the main menu, the error PA.exe has stopped working.
so i just used Visual Studio and tried to run the 64 bit version and got this "Unhandled exception at 0x000007FA7578B373 (CoherentUI64.dll) in PA.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000." " > CoherentUI64.dll!000007fa7578b373() Unknown CoherentUI64.dll!000007fa757896be() Unknown CoherentUI64.dll!000007fa75772409() Unknown CoherentUI64.dll!000007fa7577312d() Unknown PA.exe!000000014009a6af() Unknown PA.exe!000000014003a250() Unknown PA.exe!00000001401ac525() Unknown PA.exe!00000001401a3793() Unknown PA.exe!00000001401a3b49() Unknown PA.exe!00000001402c91ef() Unknown kernel32.dll!000007fa99411832() Unknown ntdll.dll!000007fa9ad8d609() Unknown "
so i just tried to run the 32 bit version again and play the game, its looped on itself, it went by to the disclaimer agreement thing and then crashed "PA.exe stopped working"