Air > Bots > Tanks

Discussion in 'Support!' started by kosmosprime, October 1, 2013.

  1. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    I have noticed how air is better than ground since my first match against the AI. When it sends basic bombers you have a chance with AA. But when it uses advanced ones you have no chance since the advanced bombers have a higher range than every AA unit, do splash damage and kill every basic unit in one hit (and there is no advanced AA). This seemed weird to me and I continued by checking which unit type I should spam - bots or tanks? I went ahead and checked the JSON files. What I found was very weird: Bots had more health than tanks and did more damage, in addition to the logical requiring less metal and being more agile (if anyone thinks I'm wrong here, I would like to prove it with these JSON files, but I'm not sure if that isn't a copyright infringement).
    Then I went and checked air units. It was a bit difficult because the air units are... well... flying, so AA would be the fighters, etc. And I got the same result (I only did this for AA and fighters, since bombers use energy and bots / tanks don't).
    And I feel like the 54497 update made it even worse. Maybe that was just the random planet generator being evil today...
    Is this functionality intended, to be fixed, do you experience it too? Is there a way to solve this for me?
  2. AyanZo

    AyanZo Active Member

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    I think Air is actually useful now compared to before, but I do agree that the lack of good T2 AA is the problem.
  3. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Just spam t1 fighters, they're very efficient at air defense.
  4. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    That's what I've been doing but I don't like the fact that if someone uses air and only air units (like the AI) you are forced to do the same.
    I was saying air is too useful :)
    onesparxy likes this.
  5. fewrfreyut

    fewrfreyut New Member

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    I can tell you that currently the AI builds exclusively air units, mainly bombers. It's kind of annoying. Not challenging really. Simply annoying.
  6. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    My point is that a player could do the same and be as not challenging and annoying as the AI. And probably win because he's a human.
  7. fewrfreyut

    fewrfreyut New Member

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    I agree. The unit balance definitely favors air power for now. And yes spamming air as a human player can definitely beat the AI. I was simply saying air spam is annoying. I look forward to a more balanced unit roster.
  8. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I haven't been overrun in the skies.... but I always always always spam fighters
  9. Puzzlemaker

    Puzzlemaker New Member

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    Really the problem is a lack of T2
    Yeah, I think it would be balanced if we had access to T2 AA.
  10. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    I think AA is the one and only thing which doesn't have a T2 (aside from scouts, but what's the point in T2 scouts?
    I would also like to point at the fact that bots are better than tanks in every way again.
  11. fewrfreyut

    fewrfreyut New Member

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    I haven't been overrun either, but I was attacked by nothing but T1 and T2 bombers, and their base defense consisted entirely of T1 and T2 fighters and bombers. The AI also didn't even develop beyond air. They didn't build orbital units at all, nor did they try to expand to other planets. I imagine some AI work will occur once other balancing issues have been dealt with, so not too concerned about that.
  12. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    Mobile AA in this game needs a major buff to be usefull. As it currently is you need more metal than your enemy is using in air to beat them which kind of defeats the point of having mobile AA.
  13. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Seems useful to me scattered through my armies...... but then again back to my previous.I always spam fighters and usually assist all attacks with fighters so bombers are null
  14. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't say that. The reason why the AI can seem strong is because it always produces bomber. It always sends them in. If you stop producing AA then you will lose.

    The AI will get 10 times harder when it starts sending wave after way of bots/tanks. Just think how much metal went into all the bomber that attacked you. Then look at how much metal went into AA. The reason you lose to air is because they simply outproduce you.

    Think back to WW1 trench warfare. If you send enough waves of troops charging the enemy machine guns you will eventually win, but at a massive cost.
  15. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    Cost for cost bombers beat mobile ground AA which should be the other way around. Which is the very reason the only good mobile AA is a fighter which not only is imune to bombers but also hits like a truck compared to ground AA. Bombers should be used against high value targets and use their speed and ability to cover alot of ground to evade enemy AA. They should die quickly to any sort of AA

    To me fighters need a nerf and ground AA needs a major buff. Fighters should be used because of their speed not because of their superior AA capabilities per cost.
    zaphodx likes this.
  16. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I disagree..... when air superiority is established you don't send in a band of rolling sam or stationary. Fighters should always be superior aa that's their lot in real life. Now cost wise I agree mobile aa should be cheaper than bombers and even fighters hands down.... as far as the the mechanics currently and their balance I like it. God forbid we go back to ta with such superior aa that flight is useless
    Murcanic likes this.
  17. Helpsey

    Helpsey New Member

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    My feeling is if you can get T2 Air you should be able to get T2 AA. Seems weird and unbalanced otherwise.
    beer4blood and liltbrockie like this.
  18. thepyro13

    thepyro13 Member

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    Don't care what it's like in real life. In game it makes ground AA redundant, why would I want worse ground AA that can't fly or move nearly as fast when fighters are faster, don't have to worry about ravines or mountains and do much more damage.

    Their is currently no decision between building AA tanks or fighters. So you either have to fix the balance issue, or remove ground AA vehicles so players don't get tricked into wasting their time building it.

    Air should be forced to take advantage of it's speed and ability to ignore terrain, it's for attacking undefended areas and picking off opportunistic targets, it's not for fighting a war on it's own.
    jurgenvonjurgensen and smallcpu like this.
  19. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Double post, sorry.:oops:
  20. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    How can it fight a war on its own when it only shoots other planes???? They aren't redundant- if your opponent has claimed the air superiority of an area, you build ground aa to remove the threat...... they aren't wasted units, yes they should be cheaper and yes there may be need for t2 I'm mixed on that as I see no problem with the damage of current aa since it removes all threats for me just fine. I just don't get your point about using them to cover ground.... all they do is attack other air, planes will always be better at killing planes over ground units. Are you saying that the fighters missile is stronger than sam sites missile??? If so that should be changed all aa missiles should be equal. The planes superiority comes from its maneuverability.

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