This is possibly because I'm just new to it all, but I'm really struggling to find my builders, particularly if I want a particular builder; say, an advanced aircraft builder. Some method to simply select all builders of a given type would really help. I'm thinking of buttons, automagically created on the left side of the screen (possibly with helper hotkeys), one per builder type, simply to let me quickly and easily find a builder of a given type. Or maybe there's already some hotkey support for this type of thing. Idle builder is not enough in my mind. I don't have idle builders. Those guys are kept working, but picking the right builder out from a mob is hard work and seems to cost me a lot of time.
a button to select all builders then working selection editing (by clicking the boxes) would acheive this.
True. That would achieve it in multiple clicks. There seems to be a large empty area down the left of the screen and a button per builder type would make it a single click.
I was just thinking this other day. What there needs to be is an icon that pops up to show idle builders. Its normally easy to see where you are building something and whats building it.
press f to select idle workers. double tap f to snap to him. same with C, for the commander. Use the control group commands as well. CTRL and 1-0 will assign ur selection to a group of the selected number. pressing the number after will select the group. double tap will attempt to zoom to them based on how spread out they are.