Turret armor

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by IPUR3 EVIL, January 13, 2011.


    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    What do you guys think about there being a 3rd upgrade for turrets called Armor, it would maybe cost 800-1000 digital dollars and would make games last longer and wouldnt be as annoying as having 2 lvl 3 rockit turrets being taken out in seconds.

    It would mean better team work as you would struggle to take one down on your own, i think it would be pretty good, what do you guys/girls think?

    I know some assassins wont like this..
  2. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I don't know I think turrets have the appropriate amount of life. I can just think about your idea going live, and being in a random group. A 3.3 shave ice next to a 3.3 rockit turret. Now add in two or the most turtleing turtle supports ever constantly healing both pf the super armor plated turrets and oh man that just sounds frustratiny.

    I do agree sins do too much damage to turrets. Unless i get slamed or charges out of the arena, i will level the opponents base every 45 seconds routinely.

    Unless I get careless and lunge off the side. I do this often and are usually my only deaths.
  3. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Sounds sort of Okay to me, but sounds like it can be very hard to take care of...eh, I don't know.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Yeah that would be super gay, but it just means that they have two guys at there base so means out in the arena its 6 vs 4 for your team, an when you finally push them back you have to get your team to help you take out the turrets

    Gunner uses his mortars
    Tank blinds turrets and then melts them
    Assassin does her thing
    Support heals the guys doing so

    All this while fighting off the enemy would be pretty challenging.
  5. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I just think more HP for turrets would make it even easier to force the game into a stalemate and sending it into overtime. Which is already the case in most of my matches.
  6. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I think it's about right. 3.3 rock-its are extremely hard to take down when your enemy know what they're doing. The real problem is that in pub games so few players ever build, upgrade or defend turrets.

    The only changes I'd make would be to reduce juiced mortar damage to turrets, and maybe slightly reduce juiced assassin turret damage. It would be nice if a defending team at least had a slight chance to react to such threats.
  7. JPX Brutality

    JPX Brutality New Member

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    Honestly it's fine if you are a smart support. How I play base defense support is to have the two rocket turrets at 2.3 and when I see an assassin or anyone coming towards a turret I wait till they have just started attacking an then upgrade it. During this time they have wasted their juice and the turret is saved. YAY!!

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    What if you get killed an they take out both while you respawn? Hard to rely on randoms to protect them.
  9. JPX Brutality

    JPX Brutality New Member

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    Very true the key is to see the glowing outlines(the ones that tell you they have juice but not activated and be ready for it. run to your spawn and wait till just the right time. It is the best defense against juice turret kills. Its really the only way to insure you'll have a turret when your done. Or have a sniper lay some traps right before the turrets. That helps too. The turrets are fine how they are. You can still die while juiced as an assassin if their are two 3.3 rocket turrets.
  10. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Or... Worry about winning your pro battles gain map control and kill all bots so even if your turrets get knocked down it will not matter. The game is simple and fun, no extra sparkles are needed, if anything simplify it and remove juice.
  11. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Listen to this man. No one really need turrets, hell just build longshots on every nub so you can rack up those sweet long shot kills that occur all the time.
  12. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I agree with you about the juice, but i would like the option to offload spare cash on some kind of turret upgrade so why not extra armor so then if you do get pushed back you have a good defence rather than an assassin killing 10 bots and clearing every turret you have in about 20 seconds.
  13. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    You dont, I would bet a large amount of money my team could beat all teams but destiny and zyn without turrets easy.
  14. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    No one needs turrets? Erm what game are you playing?
  15. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Thats you, there are thousands of people that play this game, not just you and your 5 team mates.
  16. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Fair enough, but turrets still are not that important.
  17. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Thats you, there are thousands of people that play this game, not just you and your 5 team mates.[/quote]
    Fair enough, but turrets still are not that important.[/quote]

    I dont how you can say that after playing for so long, look at spunky for example, both base areas have turret nubs all around, thats like 60% of the map that could be used for rockits or shave ice as a good backup if a couple of pros come after you if you need to retreat for health.
  18. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Fair enough, but turrets still are not that important.[/quote]

    I dont how you can say that after playing for so long, look at spunky for example, both base areas have turret nubs all around, thats like 60% of the map that could be used for rockits or shave ice as a good backup if a couple of pros come after you if you need to retreat for health.[/quote]
    First I would like to say thank you tank for not posting a stupid picture and actually having the first real debate ive had on these forums. I feel we have different views on the game seeing as I almost always play with people who communicate and use teamwork, so im starting to see your view. Your right i can see how in public matches turrets can be very usefull to hide behind seeing as most teamates have the player skill comparable to that of a six year old. But in private matches with good players or tournament matches if bots are making it to your turrets against a decent assassin you are going to lose that game turrets wont save you. Sorry thats probably a poor explanation but if you really want to debate talk to me on xbox sometime.
  19. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I dont want a debate about it, but yeah in a private match or even in a pub with a full team you dont need to rely on turrets as back up because we have our team to do this, but in a game full of randoms an we all know they will be the worst fking idiots ever its good that i can build a nice defence because 9 times out of 10 the randoms on my team will be playing selfish and not for the win.
  20. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    haha thats just when I leave the game, im not wasting my time if everyone is going to play selfishly.

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