What kind of performance could I expect from this machine? CPU: Q8300 @ 2.50 GHz RAM: 8GB SSD Sapphire HD7950 (AMD) Running Windows 8.1 64bit Currently the game is fairly laggy. Especially noticeable when scrolling and zooming. I'm also experiencing some strange artifacts when at "medium" zoom level.
Check your background processes to ensure you don't have programs using more of your system memory. Also upgrading to 16 GB of RAM would help. Did wonders for me on my 2nd system. And last 8.1 preview isn't the best to run games on atm. Running a Beta game on a preview OS = Increase chance of issues I would reimage back to Windows 8 or wait till 8.1 is released Oct 17th.
would compabilty mode work for him maybe? and as pulsar said be sure u are not running everthing else that requires alot of ram!
It's Windows 8.1 RTM, I'm a developer and therefor have early access. I'll definitely post dxdiag later. There are "no" processes running in the background, and itall seems a bit strange. Would you recommend running the beta drivers from AMD?
Your hardware are okay, are you running game from Steam? If yes check this topic: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/using-steam-and-bad-fps-try-this.52160/ There is multiple people who confirm that non-Steam version have much better performance on their hardware.
Confrimed, I just downloaded the non-steam version and went from 20fps to 120fps GTX 680 i5 3450K 16G RAM
I'm not running the Steam version. I've played around with the in-game settings, but that just made the graphics buggy.
How many army / planets are you playing ? Here I find setting up x1 planet 1x AI is night and day in term of performance near a game with 2 planets or more. Here to learn with the best perf possible Im setting up a custom 1 planet system and this planet I set it to the lowest radius possible (200). It's pretty good, I don't need to smash planets and all the highend stuffs from scratch.
I´ve been trying 2 rather small planets 1 vs 1. So nothing major. Just using the default systems available when creating a game. Network connection is good, although I´m located in Norway so there is probably some latency. 8GB of RAM should be enough or what?
Even the windows task manager will show you some basic info about RAM useage. Depending on background tasks, 8GB could be a bit on the low side. Ill be upgrading to 24 or 36 soon, currently on 15GB but thats not enought for larger systems.