Solar System Creation!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by aptitudegamer, September 28, 2013.

  1. aptitudegamer

    aptitudegamer New Member

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    Concerning all those creating solar systems for custom games. From what I have collected, the game will not run any more then 3 medium sized celestial bodies. Please do not create matches with 11 planets in them. I've run into countless lobbies and attempted to play on the system created, and been stuck on the loading screen for 20-45 minutes, only to have the game crash. Thanks for reading I hope we can all take this into consideration, at least until the game can be patched for larger systems. Title.png
    Murcanic likes this.
  2. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    Woah thats some insane loading times. good to know!. i shall wait with trying my mass solar system then haha.
  3. a20052000

    a20052000 New Member

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    I've tested upto 8 planets with AI. It takes around 8-9 gigabytes to launch. (Loading only takes a few minutes on my machine, it seems like it loads in phases but doesn't say what it is doing) But when planets collide (or more accurately clip into each other) due to custom orbits not being very logical the openGL driver by Nvidia crashes the program from a time out error.

    But it does seem obvious that if you don't have more than 4 gigabytes of memory don't make large systems. I also don't know why they don't just let you launch with AI as I want to find some bugs but not present the game to the public although I think I found a way to prevent entry via another bug.
  4. aptitudegamer

    aptitudegamer New Member

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    My current system, which consists of GeForce GTX 670 2gb Video Memory, i5-3570k @ 3.40GHz and 16gb of RAM, could only run 5 planets vs ai when it came to anything higher I ran into this problem, and most online matches I ran into more planets and immediately knew that both my comp. and the server could not handle that work load. So I've started spreading to servers that I run into with that over-bearing solar system, that their game cannot be run and that they should look into smaller solar systems so that they dont waste others time with crashing and frustration.
  5. darkautumn

    darkautumn New Member

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    Can we see the amount of planets on the lobby screen? I joined one yesterday and it broken the game causing a crash! Even still who would want to play a game that big? It would be boring as **** :*(

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