Hi im new to the game, and im an old RTS gamer with his preferred keybinds, which im sure alot of you are even the none old timers, i know there is a option ingame to change your keybinds, however, i cant seem to find the camera controls to change the up,down, left and right keypad to w,a,s,d or am i just being blind? also i noticed ingame while you have a unit selected pressing the s key i guess for lack of a better word cancels all orders for that unit, but there is no option in the keybind connected to 's' so not only as mentioned above and that everytime i want to pan down with the camera im also stopping all orders on which ever selected unit i have, which is super annoying when i just used to 'shift' to tell that unit to build 10 different structures, is there a way to change this? Lastly building walls, really? i have to build each block next to each other just to make a wall? isnt there an option where i can press and hold a key or mouse key and drag my mouse across where i want the wall to be built and it auto fills in between point A and point B?
You currently can't rebind the camera. It's planned but not here yet. No idea if s can be rebound or not, I would think it can be rebound. Maybe you missed it? Yes you have to build walls like that currently. Drawing lines with them is planned, too.
Thank you for the answers, ill just keep ploding on til its done 8) hope its soon... ish well about the keybind thing anyway