Enemy AI - Overkill

Discussion in 'Support!' started by forerunnerdidact, September 29, 2013.


A.I. attack too overkill?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  1. forerunnerdidact

    forerunnerdidact New Member

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    I have started several games fighting against a lone enemy AI, and each game he has attacked me with 80+ T2 bombers within 5 minutes, just as he would in Alpha. I know the devs said they fixed this, and made him scout first, but so far, hes at my door step with a scout within 60 seconds, and not 4 minutes later I am dead with so many bombers attacking me I can't even see the ground in a huge radius. Even with 150+ anti air turrets surrounding me in a 5 deep layer, I just get pummeled to nothing within the exact same 5 minute time period.

    Am I missing a new beta build or something? Or did it really not get fixed?
  2. urablahblah

    urablahblah Member

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    I don't know what you're talking about. I've played multiple games with the AI and their bombers are easily counterable if you use radar and fighters.
  3. freehotdawgs

    freehotdawgs New Member

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    All the AI does is build bombers, I'm pretty sure they're still working on it's basic behaviors. Just spam AA units and build missile turrets and they're easily countered.
  4. microapple

    microapple Member

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    As an alpha player, I still find the AI humorously easy.
    onesparxy and massacrex7 like this.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Its easy enough with planes, however I feel like new players are currently trying to out turret the alpha striking super bombers, as they are not fully implimented yet.

    And that is a bad thing, still BEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTA baby!
  6. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    The AI is very easy to counter. Build fighters, then make a few tanks to take out his factories.
    massacrex7 likes this.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  8. TimeDrawsNigh

    TimeDrawsNigh New Member

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    As of the latest livestream they said they hope to have the new AI (building stuff other than air units) out in a week.
  9. forerunnerdidact

    forerunnerdidact New Member

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    I used the chrono cam and counted one by one, its 80 or more, just the same thing as I had happening in alpha lol. I have a ton of turrets, and as many AA planes as I can make, and pretty darn near the 5 minute mark, it attacks with the ton of bombers. So I must be the only one with this, cause it doesn't matter if I make so many fighters my game lags to 3 frames a second, I get bombed out.
  10. gamerx112

    gamerx112 Member

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    Build alot of fighters and aa turrets at the direction most prone to attack by ai, after ammassing a fleet of fighter send them to the base and have them destroy bombers, it doesnt matter if they die later from enemy fighters just make sure they kill the bombers and then just encircle his base with anti-air and watch as you finish him with a moon.
  11. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    The main issue I'm having is the T2 bomber's apparent ability to go into overdrive and dump a bomb that does about fifteen times the damage it does otherwise. Despite my turrets and swarms of fighters, the bombers seem to kick on afterburners, race through my fighter screens, then drop OHK bombs on my turret fallback line, adjusting so that only one bomber strikes each turret, while the rest rush in still at redline speed to heavily damage facs/eco. Other times, the bombers try to cruise through normally and get shredded; if they do land a hit when attacking at normal speed, the damage is fairly minimal. I had a practical Maginot Line of air defenses and got wrecked by a wave of about a dozen T2 bombers doing this overdrive tactic to wipe out a section of my turrets, then a second wave would come in behind them though the gap and bomb the snot out of my central base before the 20+ T1 fighters chasing them could clear them out.

    Is there an ability for T2 bombers that was added in the time I've been away? Seems like I'm seeing two distinct attack patterns with them, the slower, weaker attack and the insane-damage charging attack.
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The Hornet's Bombs do 700 damage each, so they kill Missile Towers and Pelters in one hit, Laser Towers, Catapults and Holkins in 3(Last bomb only does 100 damage and 600 as overkill thought).

  13. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Isnt overkill the way to go in PA? :D
  14. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Patrol your fighters in a wider area around your base then?

    And if you find the AI's base, just set your fighters to patrol around it. Nothing will be able to leave then. ;)
  15. forerunnerdidact

    forerunnerdidact New Member

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    When I tell em to patrol, they just sit in one spot. if I tell an individual unit to just sit in one spot, all of them making a circle, being their landed they just get bombed.
  16. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    I do have a really crappy turtle srategy if you want it to counter the AI's flush of AIR superiority if you want it? its just how I do it at the moment, its hard to tell if the AI is overkill or not at the moment because I dont know how their ground attack is going to be yet, but if its the same, quite possibly overkill, it would be hard to defend against the same amount of ground units as well as the air stuff... have to wait and see.... but below is a video of how I personally handle it, check in the final 3rd of the video.....

    Last edited: September 29, 2013
  17. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Ah, the issue is clear then.

    For some unfathomable reason if you only give a single patrol command the game interprets it as a move command instead. (Don't ask me why, I've complained about that before. ;) )

    So you need to always give multiple patrol commands (hold shift to do so) before the begin to patrol.
  18. gab99

    gab99 New Member

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    If you can sustain your eco long enough to get a advanced fighter out you're golden, those things take out advanced bombers in more or less one hit. build more than one obviously haha, usually 2 can secure a way into your base pretty well

    and the thing with attacking the AI base is that before the swarms of bombers show up the AI builds a wall of normal fighters before it begins to mass produce bombers so there's only a small window to actually get your own fighters patrolling his base before they get overwhelmed and shut out by his fighters, and they will have to be constantly reinforced as the commander will no doubt shoot at them/ the occasional fighter gets out and shoots one down

    though even with minor harassment the factories seem to self destruct on occasion as well, and I've found that building cruisers and destroyers on a 2:1 ratio seems to be fairly effective as the cruisers aim for the air units while the destroyers go for the factories, if you're in a position to be able to do that

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