Can't launch nuke?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by bmt22033, September 28, 2013.

  1. bmt22033

    bmt22033 New Member

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    So I played my first game of PA last night and fortunately for me, my opponent hadn't played much before, either. 30 minutes in to the game, I finally completed my nuke launcher. When I clicked on it, the entire planet had a pale red coloration to it which I assume represented the range of the nuke? With the nuke selected, I clicked on one of my opponents buildings to launch the nuke at it but nothing happened. I tried several times using several different targets but still couldn't get the nuke to fire. Is there something more that the nuke requires? Thanks very much for any info.
  2. tarl

    tarl New Member

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    Have you click on the nuke button at the bottom middle of the screen to first build a nuke ?
  3. bmt22033

    bmt22033 New Member

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    No, I didn't see any button on the panel that appeared at the bottom middle of the screen when the nuke launcher was selected. But I guess that explains why the nuke wasn't firing. I didn't realize that once you built the launcher, you then needed to build the nuke separately. Thanks for the info! I'll look closely at the UI that appears the next time I build and select the nuke launcher.
  4. dwilbraham

    dwilbraham New Member

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    I have the same problem. No button appears to allow me to build a nuke after I've built the launcher.

    Also the first time I clicked on the launcher it crashed the UI and I had to restart PA and then reconnect to the game. I guess the two are connected. (just noticed the UI crash is bug #2108)
    Last edited: September 28, 2013
  5. robtotheb

    robtotheb New Member

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    Yes happens every time for me. Same for anti nuke too. Bug fix cant come soon enough!
  6. tbos

    tbos Member

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    I had the same problem too today. although yesterday i didnt. yesterday i first build a anti nuke which went fine. after that i build a nuke launcher which build fine aswell.

    today i build a nuke launcher on a 2nde planet and the game went 'red'.

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