More β Build 54412 editor bugs.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by sokolek, September 27, 2013.

  1. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    1) Previously I reported a slowdown bug (editol slows down at least 10 fold after previewing multiple planets or after building the system -maybe due to lack of decent LOD).

    Now I submit more β Build 54412 editor bugs:

    1) System is not always saved after hitting SAVE (most often it is not saved).

    2) Noncircular orbits are not saved correctly (all orbits are saved as circular. Elliptical (ε>0) orbits become circular (ε=o)). Editor should save ε of the orbit and for example location of second focus or the tilt of the orbit, or the planet velocity (and calculate orbit from it) and identifier of the object that is in focus of that orbit).

    3) When many moons orbit a planet closely to each other and the planet but not colliding, often after reloading such system in the editor, instead of orbiting the planet, moons orbit each other. This probably happens when editor state is saved at the moment when one of the moons is closer to the other moon than to the planet. In such case, it is very likely that after reloading the system, such moon is going to orbit the moon it is closer to).

    4) After reloading a system into editor, orbits not only become circular but often (however not always) planet or moon velocity changes sign (planet or moon travels on circular orbit and in opposite direction).

    5) Changed planet/moon names are not always remembered (editor often restores old planet/moon name)

    6) Sometimes previewing desert planets does not work (some parameter other than seed must be changed for preview to work)
    Last edited: September 27, 2013
  2. MooseisLoose50

    MooseisLoose50 New Member

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    new problem, when i download the lasted launcher on a different computer, every time i push play after downloading and installing it it goes missing file, the name of the file is d3dx9_43.dll can you please fix this soon! thanks.
  3. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    MooseisLoose50 likes this.
  4. MooseisLoose50

    MooseisLoose50 New Member

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    thank you! sorry im new to the forum, quite lost in fact...
  5. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    I've had the System editor showing black/white flickering stripes everywhere, this does not happen in-game though.
  6. silenceoftheclams

    silenceoftheclams Active Member

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    I can confirm that elliptical coefficient isn't saving in the present build.

    Can I also add to this:

    1. 'Build System' often seems to take a really long time (5+ minutes at least) for systems with only one (radius <600) planet. Planet previews, by contrast, take less than 30 seconds. I've only ever been able to see the Build System function through to the end once. Is this intended, a straight-up bug, or an optimisation problem?

    2. Saved planets don't persist between logins. They are playable, but they disappear when you log out. Again, I don't know if this has even been implemented yet, but it's definitely a missing feature.

    The editor looks good though. Gonna test out metal & lava planets asap.
  7. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Remember spore? It had planetary systems rendered at run time. It did not require long "building" process etc.
  8. thesonderval

    thesonderval Member

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    If it was one thing spore did well, it was its planetary systems. Plus the gravitational lensing around black holes. (although that's in the galactic view. Which doesn't really apply.)
  9. silenceoftheclams

    silenceoftheclams Active Member

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    As far as I can see for small systems the 'build system' button is entirely unnecessary: it doesn't stop you saving the system, and you can render the planets one by one in the editor. It just doesn't seem to work on the systems I've tested it on.

    Spore looked beautiful in the galactic map. Shame it was paper-thin as a game.
  10. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    "Build" button is unnecessary for systems with at most 2 celestial bodies (including sun). If you have 2 celeastial bodies other than star then you need "build", because it saves you one click. It saves you at least N-2 clicks when N is a total number of celestial bodies (besides these in background bitmap).

    I believe in the idea that computers are tools to simplify your work -not to make harder. Do something with one click instead of 2 clicks when it can be done in one click. On my computer, building takes exactly at most as much time/planet as previewing or less. The problem is not Build idea itself but total lack of optimization (or LOD). Spore hand nice planet system, that was rendered quickly at runtime, but spore doesn't have biomes and planet bitmaps repeat, where in Planetary Annihilation (PA) they are almost unique!!

    I agree. Spore was a great concept represented in a very shallow manner -it is like a game for 3 year olds.

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