I've tried the little I know what to do on steam to get it to work... like, verifying the game cache, deleting local game content then reinstalling, and also manually deleting the files and then reinstalling the game. Anyways, none of that worked and would really love to try the beta out. By the way, the alpha worked fine, only happened with the beta update. Any help?
PA is currently broken for Steam runtime: FS#2100 Uber built game with libstdc++ with newer ABI, so it's won't run on 12.04 and when Steam runtime used. You can bypass using trick explained on bugtracker or just run PA outside Steam.
How do i run it outside of steam? I tried to go into the steam folder and run it from the "pa" file. Didn't work though.
This is what i get, also the window comes up but is black. Has the label "Planetary Annihilation" kevin@kevin-IdeaPad-Z585:~$ cd ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary* kevin@kevin-IdeaPad-Z585:~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation$ ./PA [23:59:30.802] INFO Log file /home/kevin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/media/user/log/PA-23-59-30.802.txt opened [23:59:30.803] INFO Loaded 0 mods [23:59:30.970] INFO GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc. [23:59:30.970] INFO GL_RENDERER: AMD Radeon HD 7660G [23:59:30.970] INFO GL_VERSION: 4.2.12002 Compatibility Profile Context 9.01 [23:59:30.970] INFO GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: 4.20 [23:59:30.970] INFO Gamma correct pipeline enabled. [23:59:33.640] INFO Configure, 1280 by 720 [23:59:33.646] INFO build version 54459 [23:59:33.646] INFO Coherent content root: "coui://ui/" [23:59:33.646] INFO Coherent host dir: "/home/kevin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/host" [23:59:33.646] INFO Coherent local store: "/home/kevin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/media/user/localstore" [23:59:33.763] ERROR : invalid movement type "hover" Could not find libudev. [23:59:33.768] ERROR multiple models in spec for Air Factory have nav structures, this is unexpected. /home/kevin/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/host/CoherentUI_Host: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [23:59:33.770] ERROR multiple models in spec for Advanced Air Factory have nav structures, this is unexpected. [23:59:33.772] ERROR /pa/units/air/bomber_torpedo/bomber_torpedo.papa: open failed [23:59:33.829] INFO {{FMOD}} fmod buffer size 5 [23:59:33.849] INFO Setting graphics to high [23:59:33.849] INFO Configure, 1280 by 715
This is problem, you can use this dirty hack: Code: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0
The dirty hack didn't work either. Same info comes up in terminal from above. Also wouldn't launch from within steam either.
This is really strange, can you check if "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0" created? Also can you open console, exec this command: Code: ls -lia /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev* And post output here? Currently you won't able to run PA though Steam because game is not compatible with Steam Runtime.
for me as of the newest beta ~1 hour ago i required sudo apt-get install libboost-regex1.49* running ubuntu 13.04
Bloody hell. I though I set it up to link against the static version of boost regex. But come to think of it, I just added "-lboost_regex-mt" to the linker command line and didn't check to see if that defaulted to the .a or the .so by default. Checking... Whoops, it prefers the .so to the .a when both exist. Next build will drop that dependency. -William
What about libstdc++, it will be fixed? As long as I understand PA still need GLIBCXX_3.4.17, so it's broken for everyone who trying to run it though Steam client. Did you ever test it with Steam runtime?
The libstdc++ issue is harder to fix. I switched our build machine from Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 in order to pick up GCC 4.7 for some C++11 stuff it includes. I know I tried testing a build made on 13.04 on a 12.04 machine, but I must have messed up the test somehow because it worked fine. So now I have to either: - figure out how to make this 13.04 machine generate binaries compatible with 12.04 (preferred) - reimage the build machine back down to 12.04 (pain-in-the-***--it is also our Jenkins master) - tell all the 12.04 chaps "no soup for you" (suckatude) Wait. I just noticed that you were talking about running via Steam, not running on 12.04. I haven't dug into it, but I'd guess that the problem is actually the same thing. But it does open the possibility of a 4th option: - get Valve to update their runtime thing with a newer libstdc++. Anyway, all of these are a lot more work than changing the "-lboost_regex-mt" to "-l:libboost_regex-mt.a" in the build script. We haven't forgotten about these issues, but the beta did light quite a lot of fires.
Main problem that's nobody who use Steam can't run game on Linux and there is no error. If user on 12.04 it's won't work anyway (because don't have proper library in system). If use running Ubuntu 13.04 or any other distribution he will need to run game though console because runtime usage forced by Steam client for all games. As long as I understand idea of Steam runtime it's designed to make compatibility for other distributions with current Ubuntu LTS (12.04 currently). So I doubt they'll put here any library from 13.04. Actually this shouldn't be too hard for professional programmer (while I'm not really one of them). You can easily install 12.04 inside some directory using debootstrap. As long as I understand then you only need proper headers from older gcc. PS: libstdc++ ABI explained really well on gcc website: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc /manual/abi.html But to be fair I'm never tried to make something like that myself, so unfortunately I'm personally don't have such experience
Valve will not update the library with steam runtime as it has to work with Ubuntu 12.04, so you have to solve it your end sadly.
Just hit this myself, thank you for the post. I'm on Kubuntu 13.04 and while it still doesn't launch out of Steam (no error message or anything) it launches okay from the CLI manually.
Thanks, getting this issue as well: ./PA: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_regex.so.1.49.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
From what I've read, not many people seem to have solved the 'compile for older glibcxx from a newer one' thing and recommend using an older OS. So it might be easier to get a newer GCC in 12.04 (via some PPA I imagine) than the other way around. I'd love to know how to make the first way work, though.