Joined the forum to write a response to a PA thread (and have spent quite a while writing it) only to be faced with the message "You are not allowed to use more than 0 link(s) in your post as a new user". I'm not using any links, I thought perhaps it was counting the quote as a "link" but am still faced with the same message after deleting that section of the post. Have also tried drag selecting the whole post and clicking the "unlink" button with no effect. This is as much a test to see if I can post at all as it is to ask for help. edit: So it appears I can post, just not sure what the issue with my other one is.
I think it is best if you send a PM with the content of your blocked post. He is the one who set up the URL filter to prevent spambots from spamming links.
I just tested the text you PMed and my filter was picking up your triple-dots as URLs, so I fixed that. You should be able to post it now, thank you very much for bringing this to my attention and my apologies for the inconvience! I had to disable links for new user unfortunately because spambots immediately adjusted and started posting 1 link spread of multiple topics, rather than 10 links in a single topic.
Thank you. I do love my triple dots, so its a welcome fix for me. I understood the reason for the limit, was just unfortunately caught out by this bug. Happy to have helped you though.
While you're at it Lennard, you could update your signature to include the link to the endo calculator, now that you can have more than 1 link in your sig.
no offenses guys but I feel like I'm not welcome on this forum -no links in signature ok but I usually do this to link to Steam profile -A Captcha for every post is a bit boring -no links in posts aswell, have to remove http part
@class101 It's only for a few posts, it's either that or new users their post are flagged for moderation, meaning your reply won't show up until someone approved it.
Basically the thinking is: be part of the community, post a bit, and you'll quickly be a "full member" of the community. Mostly, the rules are in place to prevent spam bots (95%) and persistent trolls (5%).
Apologies for necro-ing this thread but being a new user I have the "link lock" and wanted to bring this to the attention of those with the same problem but are unable or don't know about using the search function; which seems to be a criminal offence around here! Further to the "link lock" discussion I perfectly understand the reasoning behind the link lock on new users but, are you able to tell us how many posts we need to make before being able to post links? As I keep writing out nice replies to other threads and then finding that I can't post because it includes a link? If you are able to tell us, perhaps you could include it in the forum rules/guide sticky? Thanks,