What is the point of this game? It already exists.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by xterminator27, September 27, 2013.

  1. whisperr

    whisperr Member

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    Yeah, me too and beta release is awesome!
  2. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Lennard (and OP), Innovation is a word that's bandied about like it's some magical cure-all concept that will make a game better for no other reason than it 'innovated'.

    May I remind you what happened when they 'innovated' on SupCom's fairly sturdy base and created SupCom2?

    Further innovation for innovation's sake is not a path I would like Planetary Annihilation to take. Innovate to improve on what has come before. If what has come before was the winner of 58 critical awards including multiple citations of being not only the best RTS of '97 and '98, but also included in multiple lists of The Best Real-Time-Strategy Of All Time, often reaching number one in those lists, then straying too far from the original, just for the sake of it, is maybe... just maybe, not the best idea.

    Especially when you have used that rich heritage as a foundation on which to pitch to your community in the first place.

    I remind you that when you promise
    Then you should probably not upset your fans by changing the core concepts of that game.


    Innovation can be good. Lying to your customers is not good.
    Last edited: September 27, 2013
    dala1984 likes this.
  3. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Again with the assuming, nowhere in that quote, not even the post, he said SC2 is superior. He just said the custom mapping in SC2 is already more diverse (and thus better) than this game, but that PA does have nice music and good visuals.

    Seriously guys, reading comprehension....

    @nanolathe I'm not saying I agree with the OP, nor that I disagree. I honestly admit my RTS knowledge is close to zero, I just want to guide this into a sane discussion.
  4. bongologist

    bongologist Member

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    Hold the boat, "But seriously the sc2 custom map is much better than this entire game".

    That is exactly what he is saying, in fact he is saying just a single part of sc2 is better than all of this game, that won't slide past me I'm afraid.
  5. Malorn

    Malorn Member

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    Sanity was lost very early on, I hold little hope for it. Happily the beta seems quite solid. Most of us backed with the idea of a close descendant of TA. To complain that such is what we got is . . . shortsighted. Especially considering Uber repeated stated that this will be 'TA, but modern'.
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Fair enough Lennard. But for Uber to alter this game to fit the expectations that xterminator27 apparently has for the game, they would make a liar of themselves.

    The core concepts of Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander are in this situation, for better or worse, a sacred cow that can not be sacrificed.

    Uber have painted themselves into a corner by plucking at the nostalgic heartstrings of their fans.
    bongologist likes this.
  7. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    In the end it really doesn't matter what anyone says.

    If they DON'T change the game and make it different, some people wont like it.

    If they DO change the game and make it different, I wont like it and others wont like it.

    Who gets the final say on how the games comes out, The DEV's and the Visionary's that started the idea, That's who!

    Doesn't matter what they make , some people will like it others wont, you cant please everybody in the world with just 1 idea,,,
    Clopse likes this.
  8. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    First off, we appreciate the criticism, especially when it's constructive. We tend to react better when it's not phrased as "rip off" since as a team, many of us worked on a number of games in this genre, such as Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander, Forged Alliance, and quite a few others.

    I hope you put in more than the one fairly short game you've played so far and really dig in with some feedback. It is possible the game we're making isn't for you, but I also hope you might find a bit more depth than you realize. And there's still quite a bit left to do, though we have managed to finally paint in all the broad strokes now.
    maxpowerz likes this.
  9. Malorn

    Malorn Member

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    Ah polite patience, the oft demanded requirement of making a game. It's ok, we know you secretly want to strangle half of us. Seriously though, this is situation where someone bought a blue two-door sportscar, and is complaining that it is (A) blue, (B) too fast, and (C) doesn't have room for their kids.
    kriegem and maxpowerz like this.
  10. Tormidal

    Tormidal Active Member

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    I cant help but notice that OP hasnt responded to the whole TA provided the base for SupCom
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    It's possible that he has not played it. It is 16 years old after all.
    Last edited: September 27, 2013
    kriegem likes this.
  12. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Off-topic: @garat, go to bed!
  13. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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  14. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    It didn't seem like he acknowledged that TA even existed.
  15. osirus9

    osirus9 Member

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    What's the point of Halo 4? Halo 3 already exists? and Halo 2, and Halo...

    The way you phrase things (especially calling this game a ripoff of the games that the devs of this game MADE, and explicitly told everyone they INTENDED to make a spiritual successor of) make you come off as a huge A**Hole, and a sarcastic troll. So even if you did actually have anything useful to say, nobody is going to listen to it now. I suggest you pick a new user name and start over.
  16. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Mentally challenged OP.
  17. osirus9

    osirus9 Member

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    This thread should be locked as it is doing nothing more than inciting a flame war.
  18. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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  19. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Agreed the way this topic was put forward and the OP's use of the term RIP-OFF make it FLAME FUEL for people whom are quite happy with the current direction of the game.
  20. bluejam

    bluejam New Member

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    All I wanted was a game with the great gameplay of TA and a bit more end-game for us people that like a long game over just winning at any cost. What I've got so far, in only the second day of beta, exceeds my expectations by miles! I've never played an RTS that seriously made me consider joining a clan before. With 40 player conquest games, moving to new planets, crashing small moons, orbital battles, planet creation and the new music to look forward to what's not to like?
    whisperr, kryten42 and dala1984 like this.

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