New Unit Suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by soghog, August 16, 2013.

  1. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Shroud generators are really cool, but they aren't functionally much different from an area stealth or cloak unit. Area stealth forces two opposing armies to reach visual range, while area cloak (TA cloak) pushes them even closer and can create barriers between various ground/sea/air layers. The shroud would likely allow units to shoot without revealing themselves, which would make it superior to an area cloak effect. Shroud generators can also be something you know is "there", but without giving away the stuff that it's hiding. That's a bit more tricky to recreate with stealth or cloak.

    All in all it's a matter of what traits would work best with a counter intelligence unit.
    Stealth fabricators could be a lot of fun. How is it that a high energy lathe can't be seen on radar? Who knows!
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well they can't usually be picked up over normal units.
  3. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Well, Fabbers are silent when compared to modern construction methods. They are also relatively low-profile, and the high-energy green that the fabbers spray might just be the nanobot's propulsion, invisible on radar.

    But putting lore aside, stealth Fabbers would make me very very happy. However, they would need to be able to build a stealth generator to be anywhere near useful, and that just opens a closet of horrors we call "stealth mechanics".

    Still opting for stealth mechanics. They were the anti-Berthas of TA, so they'll probably be the Anti-Catapults/Anti-Lobebrs of PA.
  4. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    It's been years since I played TA but if I remember correctly the com could 'convert' other units. If we had a unit that was like a smaller less high spec commander type (looks wise) it would fit the lore and add an extra dynamic to gameplay. It could be called a general or something. I think such a unit would be awesome. Obviously it wouldn't be an easy unit to manufacture. :cool:
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Don't forget, though, in TA capturing was more worthwhile as there were different factions with two sets of tech. In PA, I could see capturing being much less helpful unless we are talking something like the loyalty gun from SupCom2
    archcommander likes this.
  6. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I agree. I loved having both core and arm tech by doing that. However think about attacking someone at the front of their main base and sending a unit like this into the back of their base to convert a factory or even a nuke right before it is complete. Would create a very interesting angle to gameplay wouldn't you think.
  7. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    It would be awesome if you could capture one side of a galactic gate (just like some missions in TA) and reverse invade your enemy. People would think twice about building them then.
  8. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Now that's a good idea. I like that a lot.
    archcommander likes this.
  9. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Maybe if enough people like this idea and other good ones like stealth the developers might add them in (if they like them) as they mentioned 'mine laying' units themselves for example?
    Although anything that causes a balancing issue where people can turtle the whole game isn't cool.

    Where's Brad Nicholson when you want him to get ubernet views on this thread. Lol.:)

    The idea behind a 'General' would be simple enough as it would just be a slimmed down commander model. Less work. The main bit would be coding the unit conversion which shouldn't be too hard as some of the code from mex upgrading (that is being worked on I believe) will likely be useful.
  10. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    To make this easier, I think galactic gates should have enough HP that one nuke doesn't kill them, and the EMP from the resulting blast should temporarily disable them, allowing a much easier capture. Also, the EMP should affect the other end of the gate, preventing the owner of the gate from immediately deleting the other end.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    From the visualisation don't we land on planets via the egg/transports?
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

    Space is big. Like really big. A gate that can get you 99.9% to your destination will still leave you billions of miles off target. The egg takes care of that last crucial step.
  13. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think that's necessary. Getting an opponent to delete a structure that has had a lot of time and resources spent on it is still a worthwhile outcome. Also - if you successfully capture it, he won't be able to delete it at all, he'll have to destroy it himself with his own army... or try to capture it back.
  14. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    There was a post by one of the devs stating that one of the methods of interplanetary travel in a match will be some form of teleportation gate.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    still. it really added a billion to it that it would be a tech you didn't have. Galactic War on faf really brought that home. then if you capture a unit it's like "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BUUUURRRRRN"
    archcommander likes this.
  16. Tobabmatb

    Tobabmatb New Member

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    I think definitely another tech level or maybe some Uber Units based on SupCom's experimental units, I also think the different factions should have some unique units that would be awesome! But this is just a fan-boys hopes and dreams and the games units in its current state are already very good so kudos to Uber on such a great job already :3
  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    they don't have time for multiple factions for release, but if I understand correctly, Jon Mavor is like yea why not in PA 2.0
  18. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I'm taking it people like the idea of such a unit for what it would bring to the gameplay. Imagine someone leaving a commander idle while they defend somewhere else and you convert him. Now that along with the other ideas would be really cool. Although would their base and units explode or would they all join you?
  19. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    I don't think commanders should be capturable for obvious reasons.
  20. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I understand but realistically it wouldn't be an easy thing to do. The process would take forever. It would be harder than a t2 raid but an interesting dimension. For it to happen someone would have to be very negligent and you would need enough units to survive the onslaught from the com.

    It would balance okay since it would be so hard to actually accomplish . Of course maybe it is the kind of thing if such a unit existed could be turned off when setting up a game (commander capture). Maybe your right in a number of ways although I'm sure you can see how it could add a bit of interest.

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