Faction Suggestions!

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by umbralreaver, September 20, 2013.

  1. umbralreaver

    umbralreaver New Member

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    The Court of Stars

    As many commanders style themselves and their armies after legends of old, the Court of Stars organise and fashion themselves in the likeness of the mysterious faerie spirits of an ancient world. The commanders of the Court are its Lords and Ladies, beings of ineffable mystery and grace. Though it may be more rooted in arrogance than fact, the commanders of the Court consider themselves far more elegant in machinery and more beautiful in armoured perfection than any other; they may even reply to insinuations otherwise with violence.

    While diverse in personality, almost all members of the Court agree that emotion is their driving force. They do not eschew logic; indeed, many are keen tacticians, but it is simply a means to an end. To live, love and enjoy the fruits of victory and certain knowledge of their superiority are the true goals of the Court.

    In battle, the Court prefers subterfuge over strength. They harry and peck their enemies where weakest, then disappear like ghosts when force is brought against them. Only in times of great desperation will a Court commander call upon his or her armies to stand firm against an enemy.

    Leader names:

    Other names of fairie or fairie-like rulers from Celtic, Irish and Scottish myth would fit nicely.



    I'd write more but I must be off. I think this kind of faction would be neat.

    These faeries aren't pansy little flitting things. They are the frightful mystery that lurks in the unknown places. They are the powers seeming akin to forces of nature, magical in their potency. It's fitting that an army as inherently immortal, malleable and flexible as a PA Commander's might take after these terrifying, legendary beings.

    See also such things as the wild hunt, the black dogs, bean sith (banshee) or baobhan sith (Scottish vampire), etc.
  2. Azirahael

    Azirahael Member

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    Um, not really what i think of when i see huge, chunky, brutally efficient engines of war.

    Now if we had an Eldar-like faction, with units to match, then you'd be away laughing.

    But i'm not sure slapping purple paint on a blunt cube-like tank is really going to get the feel right.

    TLDR: cool idea! Wrong game.
  3. luner

    luner New Member

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    I assume this can be anyone's idea. Now my thing is Dragons. And a good dose of fantasy. Now i mix this with PA. This is what i get.

    The Fang.

    There is one 'Alpha' commander, The rest are lesser leaders etc. Programed as intelligent weapons their hierarchy is that of combat. The greatest warrior, the best strategist, the frontline leader. They become the Commander. Those below them are meat for the fodder, Metaphorically speaking, given their all bots. But thats the idea.

    Now, Combat wise, These guys like overwhelming firepower. No gun is too big. If they have to blow up a whole planet they will. Their units are massive, bulky and powerful. However defensively they lack Armour.
    It's all about killing the enemy quickly, with big explosions and big guns. Defense is for the weak.

    Thats how they think. Offense before defense. Power over Protection.

    I've had thoughts of stuff but i like to see PA as a community project, So Symbols, Leader names and all other manner of input, either good or bad, Do tell. Either way, I'll see you on the battlefield.

    - Luner
  4. dacite

    dacite Member

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    The Printers

    Rouge 3-D printers that have become brutally efficient in the quest for more metal , plastic and ink.

    Their unit theme should be a variety of ink cartridges with wheels and cannons. Planets fear the day their colored ink cartridge runs low.

    Their superweapon could be Canon cannon which shoots factories into the opponents base.
    BulletMagnet likes this.
  5. Si1Foo

    Si1Foo New Member

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    im pretty sure titania is used by another company for a oganisation

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