For Backers Only: Faction #1 Faction Naming Poll

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by BradNicholson, September 20, 2013.


What Do You Think Our First Faction Name Should Be?

  1. Pax Machina (Machine of Peace)

    479 vote(s)
  2. Legonis Machina (Legion of the Machine)

    665 vote(s)
  3. The First Empire

    126 vote(s)
  4. Imperium (Empire)

    425 vote(s)
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  1. kattelars

    kattelars New Member

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    Since it's all about an empire and two suggested names include imperialist names, I'm gonna go with the Imperials ^^
  2. nicolash

    nicolash New Member

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    I voted for Imperium, because "we are from/of the Imperium" sounds cooler "than we are from (the others).

    Pax machina sound more like a period (but would get my second vote).

    Legonis machina sounded more like the name of an army unit (amongst many others, like legonis boats | legonis humanum). And there is nothing but machine left in the universe.

    The first empire sounds silly. Maybe "the last empire" "the one true empire", "the ultimate empire", "the everlasting empire", "the rightful empire", "the peace empire"?
  3. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    Well I voted for Pax Machina, but also like the corrected version for Legonis: Legio Machinae
    smallcpu and plannihilator like this.
  4. plannihilator

    plannihilator Member

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    +1 to aeonsim.
    I voted Imperium because the other are just random latin words stuck together.
    - Legonis Machina means machine of the legion, not the reverse.
  5. tbthegr81

    tbthegr81 New Member

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    Because of their post on Facebook?
  6. equinox101

    equinox101 New Member

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    I like the name Legonis Machina (Legion of the Machine) it suits the militaristic and Roman background there going for the faction. I also think the faction symbol should be the wolf as it is the only other wildly known animal in Roman mythology as it mothered and raised Romes founders romulus and remus.
  7. slaserbilly

    slaserbilly New Member

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    I always enjoy the Latin names (especially The Pax from the Hyperion Cantos)
  8. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Judging by the number of first-time posters suddenly flooding the forums, I'd hazard a guess that you're not far wrong. Well - that and the kickstarter update they sent out.
  9. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Has someone at Uber been listening to the History Of Rome podcast by any chance? :p

    Legonis Machina is the best in my opinion. Pax Machina seems a bit premature given everyone is still fighting. The other two are really drab and could be from any game in the last 20 years.
  10. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    To me, Pax Machina and Legonis Machina is not that bold name because the machines are not that special in the world of PA. Those names would be more convenient for me if they fight to non-mechanic races as only robot army and want to show their (robot) superiority to inferior fleshes.
    I do not like The First Empire also, because it is meaningless (and even blasphemous) to consider the first and the second of a unique being (such as the second Jehovah or the third Allah).
  11. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Well, it's either that they don't have the full knowledge of history and can't see there were other empires before them or it's hubris on their part.

    The important part of the name Legonis Machina is the Legonis bit, not the Machina bit. It's not commonly used in sci-fi and most people know it's a roman thing. Empires and imperiums, while also roman, have been overused to the point of cliche in sci-fi and space opera, by no means starting 400 years ago with William Shakespeares second play, Starre Wars: A Newe Hope.

    And an empire is composed of more than an army (culture, trade, civilian population), while in PA, all there is is armies. So there's another point Legonis covers better than the rest.
    ucsgolan likes this.
  12. tbthegr81

    tbthegr81 New Member

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    Well yeah, this was the first thing i felt i had to speak my mind about, the other things have Uber been doing good with'
  13. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Legio Machinae also sounds better then Legonis Machina.

    Legonis.. wait, lego? Or is it talking about legs? For non latin speakers Legio sounds more like legion then legonis. And an E after A is by definition badass. ;)
    hyperion13 likes this.
  14. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Legonis Machina could just be the official title, just like the Cybran nation.

    We just shorten it to 'The Machina' when talking about it generally.
  15. lordbritish

    lordbritish New Member

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    YES! Something I can contribute to!
    Evidently a Roman inspired faction... I desperately tried to find an alternative to 'The first empire' but the best that came to me was 'Arch-Empire' and that in Latin is horrendous (according to google translate anyway).
    I have literally no clue where Pax Machina came from besides sounding cool and perhaps from a convention of sorts... Not a huge fan of having a nation named after peace, in an eternal war game, with war machines. Perhaps if the backstory was developed more then it may become more suitable but personally I feel that if you want to stick to the theme, then Legonis Machina sounds most fitting.
    I like the idea of incorporating latin into names and as much as being 'the first empire' may help represent the proud nature of the leader, I think those attributes should be focused on him and from there influence his subordinates.
    Imperium is just unoriginal nowadays. As much as I love the word, I wouldn't want 'the Imperium' (again) and after scrying through the thesaurus, no other word leapt out at me as a suitable alternative unfortunately. Unless you don't mind some kind of Sovereignty or Prerogative perhaps?
    Enjoy my over-thought typing and keep the good work Uber!
  16. Siggmund

    Siggmund New Member

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    That got me to thinking... What if instead of the Imperium, we used a Latin-linked but more... forceful name?

    The Imperative. The root word comes from Imperare, "to command", and has a very forceful suggestion that their faction must be the dominant one. There's a powerful statement made with a name like that.

    Actually, this might work better for a different faction, if there's one less Rome based and more focused around cold, soulless execution of their task, but it's probably too early to talk about things like that yet.
    lordbritish likes this.
  17. osirus9

    osirus9 Member

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    I voted for Legionis Machina, but I'd be all for renaming it Legio Machinae. Come on guys, all the titan legions in warhammer are named Legio *something badass in latin*. And nothing says total annihilation like a LEGION OF TITANS, or just machines in this case.

    In any case, a machine would like to name itself something very literal like "legion of machines" especially since the word legion helps to really bring home the fact that this game only has a unit limit in theory. Also if we are going with a Roman theme for this faction, that is exactly what the Romans would call a massive army of machines.
  18. supremebashar

    supremebashar New Member

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    I was thinking down the line of: "Deii Ex Machina". It's supposed to be the plural of Deus Ex Machina, which means God out of the Machine.
  19. hyperion13

    hyperion13 New Member

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    "Legonis Machina" reminds me a lot of Legion from the Mass Effect games, so I think this name would perfectly fit in this kind of setting. Also the name has this hidden aspect of many "robotic" minds/programs(?) fighting together within one faction for the same reasons and beliefs.
    But I have to admit that the shorter and apparently correct term "Legio Machinae" sounds much better than the original one.
  20. bovinovino

    bovinovino New Member

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    I don't really like the choices given. I don't like the sounds of any of it. the only one i would vote is legio machinae. Anyway I would like to propose a new name which is "Nova Congregatio" meaning new society/nation. I apoligize myself for my english. Hope you take consideration of the name.
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