Hello to all! It's a bit of time playing PA, that after 20 minutes of play, the computer freezes completely. The mouse pointer moves but the pc not respond to any stimulus. I monitored the cpu and ram thinking they were the ones giving problems but they never got above 5gb of ram used ... How can I solve it? Thanks in advance
can't tell straight away from the dxdiag what's the issue. First try beta drivers and trun off any oc on the graphic card and cpu. also are you running the game from steam, if not are you running it with PAlauncher.exe or PA.exe? and lastly how old is your windows install (as when I suggested this to Vash00 it fixed this problem for him)
all the graphics options in the game I have set to low. I play by steam and the window OS installed in early June. I've had problems with a virus and I had to format.
Hm have you re-re-re-linked your uber and steam accounts? https://uberent.com/user/linksteamoften , this fixes it.