Unit launcher

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kirra1000, September 10, 2013.

  1. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    And so we are once again back to one of my oldest proposals: Burning metal for energy in all effective generators (except for solar) and thereby ultimately tying everything to metal.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    you offend me for my opinion that didn´t do any harm or offend anyone whatsoever
    you think because you might have a better understanding of something you can put your thoughts above anyone else
    surely what YOU should learn is to have some basic respect to people you don´t know
  3. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    I think it's a bad idea to assume that all range limits will be hard-coded, just because they are right now. I'm sure most units will have them hard coded, but the unit cannon is rather unique, and we haven't even seen a first pass on it.

    Stop shooting down other people's opinions. Theirs (unless utterly stupid, which none in this thread have been) are just as valid as yours. Having a high post count doesn't make your opinion more valid. It just means you've posted more things. ​
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Having a large post count doesn't make his point more valid, it's true.

    Being right makes his point more valid.
    He's extrapolating from established knowledge and developer comments. I see no flaw in his prediction.
  5. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    His flaw i suppose was not citing his sources. I had no idea that the developers explicitly said that all ranges for all units/structures would be fixed.
  6. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I didn't cite a source because it happened long ago and I don't know where it is. Look for stuff by neutrino, I think he posted about weapon ranges being hard coded to preserve game consistency. If you disapprove of that, it's something to take up with the devs and not myself (though being a punching bag can be fun to see who the angry people are.)

    I totally get why weapons should work roughly the same across various world sizes. It helps the players and it prevents straaange things from happening.
    I could go into an absurdly in depth analysis of how this would work and all the flaws it would create, but there's a simpler answer than that:

    What you suggest isn't TA.

    Metal => energy conversion isn't needed in any way for any reason whatsoever. The same goal can be achieved by using metal or denying metal production directly where it's needed, instead of invoking absurd amounts of energy.

    If your feels have somehow been damaged, then take it to PM. There you may be showered with the necessary amount of hugs, praise, and cookies required to cry it all out. When you are finished with telling me how I am big and bad and must be wrong because I didn't feel good, please come back to have another shot at a counterargument instead of trying to derail it.
    smallcpu likes this.
  7. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    I feel as though the unit cannon should be an exception to this. Rather than having a fixed cannon, you have something with an extremely slow turret, with substantial energy consumption while turning. In addition to it turning slowly, on planets the range could be so small that it could barely reach a moon, and even then the moon would have to be on a certain point on it's orbit, and still you'd have a very limited area it could target. On things like moons and asteroids especially, the range would be far greater, and it'd be more useful. This makes it remain cheap to build, a risky decision to adjust, and an effective transport when used in the correct situations.

    EDIT: I wonder if the unit cannon could be used as a means for launching units over large distances on a single planet... Probably a bad idea, but sounds cool.
    Last edited: September 17, 2013
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Bobucles shouting down people, without justifying anything?

    What else is new?
    cmdandy likes this.
  9. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    Since this unit will most likely be added in fairly soon, I think it'd be better to hold off on speculation and heated arguments until we see how it actually works. Then we can all collectively complain about how it doesn't work the way we want it to. :)
  10. timitimitimi

    timitimitimi New Member

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    +1 for kirra

  11. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    never said anything with you having to be wrong nor beeing wrong cause of some possible disorder
    just that i simply disagree with your opinion
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Don't lie like that, especially when you have never asked to have a point clarified before. MrTBSC had asked why I had considered cannons in a certain way, and I gave him as best an answer I could. If you'd like to contest the point go right ahead, but don't say I haven't justified something when I clearly did.

    It is a standard human trait for confusion to lead to frustration and anger. Human psychology makes is so much easier to remember if a post felt good or bad, rather than it being useful or not. Ain't nothing I can do about that.

    (I just accept that most of my posts will either WOOSH over the crowd or make someone inadvertently mad, though I do tone it down from time to time.)
    Last edited: September 18, 2013

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