Anyone know anything about how asteroids are going to function except the visualization video of the game they released. Since im very confused on the topic at the moment
Other than the kickstarter trailer, nothing really solid has been announced as to how they'll work. However, I believe that aspect, as well as interplanetary/orbital, will be in the game within the next 2 weeks (beta launch is set for Sept. 26th). So we'll be able to take a look at it sometime soon. As for speculation: They will most likely function as "orbital battlestations" that you can build a limited amount on, move to orbit different planets, and launch attacks from, as well as sacrifice for massive destruction, but at the loss of your battlestation.
The Visualization used for the Kickstarter is pretty clear on both of those. For the Engines, you build them than give them a command, if for example you want it to destroy a planet you select them, select the target and the engine will handle the rest, you can also see an example of this behaviour in a very early form in the July 30th Live Stream. For how you get to other planets, there are quite a few different options, the primary one to move the commander around being shown in the Visualization as well. It's also been asked about and talked about a lot in Live Streams and other threads here on the forums, if you have specific questions we can be more helpful. Mike