Unit launcher

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kirra1000, September 10, 2013.

  1. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    What if the orbital launcher could send orbital strike teams over the oppositions base. These could be taken out by an avenger or something like that making risk if far into a game but very useful. There could also be a building period for the orbital launcher to make a shuttle, this adds use for building more than 1 orbital launcher (fabers can just help build on 1 but still is...).

    This is probably going to get lost in the forums but if any one reads this and is interested or think they could add something, please tell me.
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Welcome to the forums!

    The kickstarter video shows a unit cannon that can send your guys flying into enemy bases. It looks pretty awesome.
  3. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    And the lander can transport ground units to other planets.
    paulusss likes this.
  4. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    And as an extension, you can shoot units from the moon into the enemy's base with the unit cannon.
  5. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Oh, I didn't realise something like this already under way. So when do you think it will be implemented into the game? It would be really cool that they made nukes more expencive and make orbital strike teams or what ever quite cheap so nukes will be a end gamer. Do you guys have the same idea?
    Last edited: September 11, 2013
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    no ETA, sorry. before beta for certain.
  7. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    This sort of stuff will be added over the next couple of patches before the end of beta, probably by the end of the month.
    kirra1000 likes this.
  8. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    I couldn't upload a picture of the unit launcher because i'm a new user but you can see it in the background in this picture: 24.media.tumblr.com/2979d117dec0aa50da694008d7e219cf/tumblr_mh3kexjaYh1s49jb5o2_1280.jpg

    Thats cool but does anyone know if they will only fire T1 bots? It's looks cool and everything but it doesn't look like it could fit a tank on the slides. If it could only fire bots or T1 bots, wouldn't that focus the game more on bots early and late into the game?
  9. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Thank Zaphod. BTW I watch a lot of your videos, keep up the good work.
  10. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Thanks for the Welcome!
  11. onesparxy

    onesparxy Member

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    So basically what your saying is that you should be able to launch a huge amount or small at a enemy base like O.D.S.T troopers they are basically defenceless while going down to the ground and are easily picked of by a lot of things but have the potential to wreak havoc on an economy or factory's

    I was about to make a thread about this I completely agree with this :).

    Edit:Yes i know it will be implemented but there are various ways they could do it and i really like my opinionated way i would like it to be.
  12. woepriest

    woepriest New Member

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    Employ tactic Steel Rain! For the Emperor!
    allthelights likes this.
  13. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    Let them ork roks bringk the WAAAAAAGH crashun douwn on dem puny humies!
    allthelights likes this.
  14. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Yes I have basically said that. But the unit launcher would probably be the best choosing for the game. I've played halo wars and loved the O.D.S.T drops but in that game there were no radars so you had to move your army to place an O.D.S.T drop down. Also the O.D.S.T took so long to destroy a building. The unit launcher in PA would be a very big thing to protect. So if they make it so you can fire a unit up when ever you want, to another planet or to a place on the plant you are currently on, I think there would be a decrease in the bots hp and attack. Firing a squad of bots to an enemies bace is over powered so this is why I think this would happen.

    Another thing is if the unit launcher could only fire 1 bot at a time, there should be at least 10 to 15 seconds in between each launch. This would also stop annoyance of play and stop easy radars if a few fabs are left alone.

    I do like the idea of O.D.S.T. drop, but for the game type of this RTS, it just would reck the game.
    onesparxy likes this.
  15. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    The unit launcher is implied to lob 4-12 bots at a time, in the Kickstarter it was 3 pods of 4 Bots, if I remember correctly.

    Mind you, that isn't a whole ton of bots. Big games usually have 1000-4000 units, and that count will only increase with time. 12 bots are enough to be an annoyance, not a threatening incursion.

    I'd you had maybe 20 or so unit cannons, you could fire 240 bots at once, but that also means your enemy has put about as many resources into something other than unit cannons. Like an asteroid with 20 Rockets strapped to it.

    By the way, before a mod does, I will inform you of the edit button in the lower right corner of your posts. People generally discourage double or triple posts. Welcome to the forums, don't be discouraged by assholes like me :D
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    can we not make a sect out of this vid?
  17. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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  18. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Thanks MushRoomMars, the unit launcher will probably be a very cool building within the game.

    I do agree with the stuff your saying but like if you get into there metal or energy which may or not be unprotected. Also if there are stranded fabers as I said before they could take them out easily. I've seen alot of people keeping a bunch off like 30 fabers in 1 group which could be easily taken out by this. But then again, that would be the opponents fault.

    We can't really know what the end result will be, because of factors like cost, use of units and the types of units fired. It is good to wonder.

    P.S. I watch you guys play on ZaphodX channel. Keep up the good work.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    tired of everyone wanting to make PA the kickstarter vid's clone.
    Nobody got that this vid was trying to communicate a vision for an engine and not the "look of a finished game"

    I was exuberant when Neutrino started saying over and over again "what we're building here is less of a game and more of an engine" with varying phrasing yet still no one heard it.
    today people on the forum keep looking up the video's details to formulate their desires for graphical changes, units and the way they function, even I ended up getting corrupted and using the vid as an argument for the ideas I was trying to push because that's the ultimate undeniable argument nowadays.
    And in the context of the post above, I couldn't care less about the unit launcher. It's the practice of the PA kickstarter video referral that I'm against.

    There's good game (what we saw in the kickstarter vid. Remember that this here is subject to a whole lot of variations in interpretation from each and everyone of us. Not even imagery is a perfect language, only mind reading is the perfect language, until then, we will always be subject to the medlings of Babel.) And there's better game, the game we were comunicated through the video, the concept, the idea, the base rules it would follow :

    • 64bit
    • all computer platforms
    • multi-core
    • simulated projectiles
    • server-client
    • glactic war
    • sphere map
    • multiple playgrouds
    • physics planet smashing
    • macro
    • M units
    • dynamic lighting /d audio
    See this list contains all that I could ever want from a game, it was even the case for most of the list before PA was anounced

    The video is holding PA back, castrating it into the submission of the 1 visualisation, the one graphic render of the concept we have.
    Uber could come up with something fantasic now, and the forum could be like "no! It's not in the video!" how stupid is that????
    Last edited: September 21, 2013
  20. kirra1000

    kirra1000 New Member

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    Ya dude I totally get wat ya mean. I just want a good rts game. They can limit games like this but you also don't want pointless things within the game. If Uber and the community work together, the game has really big potential.

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