How to start the round...?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by BiteMyTongue91, January 11, 2011.

  1. BiteMyTongue91

    BiteMyTongue91 New Member

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    Hello all! I'm pretty new to MNC, and I've been getting into Crossfire, but I usually have difficulty deciding how to start off a match. Is it more important to work on killing bots, enemy turrets, or pros? And should I invest money in my skills, turrets, or spawning bots? thanks in advanced!
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    what do u play as?
  3. wienermcpeters

    wienermcpeters New Member

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    i always upgrade 2 skills and get out to middle as soon as possible. you never want to meet at the front doors of your own base. i only build or upgrade turrets if i am fully skilled up(or at least a 2 on all my useful skills)or support.
    bot spawnings are a tertiary interest. if they could be bought with an objective programmed in ie. spawn mb offensive bots, spawn pro-killing bots, spawn defensive player support bots. but they are too randomly effective and easy money early on.

    get out of the base as quick as possible.
  4. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    pretty much this

    upgrade as soon as possible, and get out and push your bots
  5. BiteMyTongue91

    BiteMyTongue91 New Member

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    That's pretty much what I've been doing. I've been playing an assassin, custom class, and I've been finishing top of my team a lot. So I guess I'm doing something right, ha. Thank you!
  6. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Well depends what class really...In fact I'll go through my strats..

    I will assume you just play average public matches and not with friends and/or teams

    Okay so. First off something quite important to do is check your whole team and see how many of each class there is. A good balance is always good but sometimes things can get a bit screwed eg. 3-5 assassins/snipers which isn't always bad. It's just if there is no tank/gunner/assault things can be hard and frustrating eg. supports healing pros that would otherwise die to your grapples/sniper shots. Probably the most important pro to have on any team would be the support.
    Healing bots/turrets/pros to overshields is the kind of thing that change games. Hacking turrets makes better defense, and constant healing can lead to juiced up supports which are very scary in overtime with juiced shottys which do the most damage to the moneyball when juiced. :!: (Even more scary these days seeing supports are running Rate of Fire gold more and more now) :!:

    If there is no support on the team, I will go. If there is plenty of "skinnies" (***/snip) then I usually go tank/assault who are generally good on their own and can handle multiple enemies at once.

    I'll go through strategies at the beginning with each class that I play and what to focus on:

    Assault - Bot farm, spawning and late game Five times :D

    With assaults you can do many things. They probably have the strongest bot spawner next to bouncers/gapshots. Buzzers. My style of game may vary from what you would like to do. As assault I farm gold and focus on upgrading skills, and spamming my buzzers. This not mean hang back in the base. Once there is action going on you should be there causing riots with bomb/charge and grenading towers with juice. Assaults bomb 3 is very powerful and is usually what I like to go for first. This requires bot kills and if your getting those buzzers out fast, you should be picking up assists and kills fairly often.
    Once I have passive, bomb and charge 3, I tend to start really getting in their faces and go straight for pro kills and the occasional far away launcher spam on bots to keep up juice/annihilator uses.

    Tank - Bot farming, skills, and tower destruction.

    At tank early game your skills and bot control are my main concern.
    Level product grenade to 3 asap and charge also. Deploy is good but isn't needed at 3 and definitely not the first to lvl 3. SPAM THAT GREANDE AND RAIL GUN FROM DISTANCE. I'm sick of seeing tanks going all the way over to bots to clean up when you can do from safe distances. Repeat repeat repeat. Once you've got tasty lvl 3s I would focus on building up maybe a streak, some juice rushes, and maybe a few RockIt turret upgrades back home. Tank is amazing tower killer and should always be focusing on them. With rail gun, and grenade spam towers should fall fast. Bots get owned by rail gun with lvl 3 RoF, but there is many builds for tank which you can have a look around for in the forums.
    Last note: Tank + Juice = Scary. His juice jet spin one hits "skinnies", and he just melts the others faces. A hard pusher and close range is deadly. If a pro is coming at you, scream "come at me bro" and proceed to melt face. Don't be scared! When you are on low health people tend to make silly mistakes to try and get you killed. The tanks lvl 3 charge is perfect for taking care of this. A powerful nudge can lead to a ring out or a lot of damage followed up by a Jetspin is all that is needed sometimes.

    Support (Defensive with late game rushsauce)

    The support I play, although there is plenty of bizarre and different strats to play by, is a defensive one. I go pure base support. No skills first, and get a rockit to Lvl 2. Deploy my turret in a semi-safe place (remember: fire base ain't invincible in shadows) in a lane to farm me some gold while I heal rockits in base and my firebase. Back and forth, spamming gapshots when I can. Lvl hack to 3 first and then fbase to 2 (3 unneeded imo) and then strikes to lvl 3. Upgrade everything. Hack should never be on cooldown. If you turret gets killed, place again asap. Get gold gold gold, and save. I always like to push for overtime, and then build my 3.3 RockIts which just lol at the solo juice rushes which just fail. Once the moneyball is down get yourself some "rushsauce" and down that moneyball. Trust me, his shotty is dirtier than my browser history, it will drop soo fast.

    Well...this was all just a quick blast at something. Maybe something is wrong I dunno, Megadeth is blaring right now. These are the main classes I play, but there is of course different ways to play. Hope I said something helpful.

  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The flaw there is you are basically saying "Go ahead Assassin get all the juice you wont, I'm not going to stop you." Also you aren't doing much to help your bots along.
    The Tank's Jet Gun "melts turrets like they are made of plastic." Again doing it from afar is not helping your bots to move forward.
    Oh yeah here's a Tank Guide - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5130 . Also if you scroll to the end of the guide there are links to other amazing guides for each Pro. Even if you don't play some of those classes they are worth a read as a way to "know your enemy." :D

    Although, this is just what I think. :p
  8. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Well I mean spamming grenade and rail gun at towers and bots.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I know I was just saying using the Railgun on turrets is usually a waste of time seeing as how it barely does any damage. Not to mention a Support can easily overheal your damage faster then you can damage it using the Railgun.
  10. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Grenade effect should prevent turrets from being healed!

    Jk imba lols
  11. BiteMyTongue91

    BiteMyTongue91 New Member

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    Thank you so much for the tips! The community here seems really solid, I definitely like the fact that people don't just flame on ignorance here like in CoD forums.
  12. Mickey Cantor

    Mickey Cantor New Member

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    These helpful tips brought to you by Survivitol! Standing in the way of someones ambitions? Like to start fires? Have an important gang initiation coming up? Whatever youre into, survive it all with Survivitol!
  13. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Uber, I love this account and every post it has made thus far.

    Just thought I'd say that.

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