Naval can work

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kalherine, September 7, 2013.

  1. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    After trying with the last patch just make naval boats, I realized that we can have good naval battles.
    I look forward to improvements in this direction, as will have a huge impact on this game tactic.
    liked to see more casts with only naval fights to bether understand how to do bether.
    Last edited: September 7, 2013
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you get my UP just for near-perfect spelling and grammar. it's a welcome change.
    Last edited: September 7, 2013
  3. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    you have to understand that not everyone in this world has the opportunity to learn English!
    I try to do the best possible, do not know speak English.
    And what spelling and grammar, has to do with naval battles?
  4. funkybacon

    funkybacon New Member

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    I think tatsujb was just seeking a random reason to give his daily dose of karma away :p
    And I haven't even tried naval yet, I don't like to PVP without understanding the games units properly, but there is no way for me to test each unit on my own, and need a friend for it :( (Unless there is someway I can fight myself I don't know about)
  5. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    There's a LOT of improvement to be done on naval though.
    • subs that aren't submerged and don't even have weaponry
    • ships that fuse half of their hull with others when in groups
    • ships going on land when on shorelines
    • air units failing to build the naval version of structures that the construction boats can build
    • anti-air naval units having their rocket packs aimed backwards while shooting at aircraft
    • naval energy plants being the classic version, which was changed from the large version
    • most structures that aren't naval yards don't have the build next to me function like land structures do
    • on top of above, they don't even have correct boxes for the end of the structure, so you can build structures inside of others just like ships do because their unit area box is smaller than their visual size
    • not to mention that the previously stated build next to me function doesn't quite work with advanced naval yards whatsoever, and you have to space them further than the auto-connector, or it won't build
    I could easily give many many more, but it's clear that naval is hardly finished in any aspect. That said, naval as it stands DOES function quite well and you can have naval battles.. which are very grand and extremely fun.
  6. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    Once when I was playing a match, I managed to build a giant navy without the enemy realizing, and just sailed it up to his base (which was by the water and had no anti-naval defenses) and just obliderated it.

    Unfortunately his commander was too far inland and I didn't have any recon assets nearby to spot for my stingrays. And his tankblob was driving through my base. Both of us had huge armies and the lag was so bad I couldn't effectively counter his flank and he managed to get my commander.

    It would have been an interesting match if not for the lag.
  7. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    Ships also seem to have very low hp. My battleship almost got 1 shotted by a T2 bomber (or that could be the T2 bomber doing absurb amount of damage).
  8. sabetwolf

    sabetwolf Member

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    thats the t2 bomber doing absurd amounts of damage :p
  9. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    To be fair, pretty much everything deals absurd amounts of damage. There's hardly a unit in the game that isn't 1 or 2-shotted by most things (or even killed a dozen times over I.E. bomber vs. itself). It doesn't seem that way because most of the damage tends to miss.

    It sort of defeats the value of a d-gun when everything already has one. :p
  10. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Well bombers have a damage of 100( with 100 splash radius) and all t1 ships are below 100. These were nerfed within the first week because of them been over powered. T2 values appear to be more realistic.

    Would be hard to get a good cast of sea combat as players will just exploit the commander rush. T1 destroyers cannot attack him but dear god do they try allowing 5 of them to be decimated by 1 ship unless they are told to attack the ship. That's if they don't get one hit killed by the commanders underwater fire.
  11. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    I killed commanders with Destroyers before. But It was a newbie player.
  12. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I have to say I didn't realise how strong navy is at the moment. I thought it needed buffs until Greppy destroyed me with sea.

    If you compare Bluebottles to Pelters you get to see how powerful they are. Bluebottles weapons deal 72dps and shoot every second, Pelters do 70dps and shoot every 5 seconds. Bluebottle has a range of 220, Pelters have a range of 250.

    So the weapons are similar. Pelter has a little more range but Bluebottles shoot faster, and are more accurate. Now look at hp and metal cost. Bluebottles have more heath and cost half as much.

    So anyone playing on a map with water, don't forget the sea.
  13. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    72 damage per second, and shoot every second.

    So just 72 dps then?
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  15. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Naval is fun the first few times, but it quickly gets boring due to the horrendously slow speed of all the ships. It's interesting on size-5 water balls, but on bigger planets it is usually much more efficient to spam Air Factories, especially now that they can be built on top of the water's surface.
  16. thatothermitch

    thatothermitch New Member

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    I've really enjoyed the few good naval games I've played. What could be better than pummeling an enemy's unhardened backfield from offshore? Very few things, let me tell you.

    That being said, it *should* be much better. Currently there is at least one bug with the way artillery works at extreme ranges, making for some overwhelmingly thin swaths of burning coastline. The tropical and earth biomes also seem to generate lakes small enough to be useless for anything but blocking land units, rather than strategically significant seas or oceans.

    Here's a fancy screenshot:


    tatsujb likes this.
  17. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    That would be 72 damage per second per second, which gets out of control pretty damn fast.

    Cavitation is being developed today to make ships that can literally soar through water. The age of old slow ships won't go away entirely, but it will definitely be changed by the presence of 150kph+ subs.

    Of course, a good hydrofoil can make surface vessels pretty damn fast too. Give us some cool ships, Uber!
    Last edited: September 10, 2013
  18. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    He's pointing out the fast fire rate of bluebottles compared to the front-loaded damage from pelters.
  19. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    The point is that much less damage potential is wasted.

    Look at an ant. It has 100hp. A Pelter can kill an Ant once every 5 seconds. It takes two shots from a Bluebottle to kill an Ant. So a Bluebottle can kill Ants at a rate of one ever 2 seconds.

    Bluebottles kill Ants 2.5 times faster then Pelters for roughly the same dps. That is why you should look at both damage and rate of fire.
  20. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    That's rich! lol

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