1. zach1

    zach1 New Member

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    Hi, I have a intel i5 3570k, 8GBs of RAM OCed to 2133mhz, an intel 520 SSD, and a nvidia 760 4gb. I get a fluctuation between 14 and 15 FPS no matter the setting.
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Do you have shadows on or off? We had a guy a while back who was running a Titan and he was still getting crap FPS, the game needs a lot more optimization before ANY rig can run it well.

    Edit: Turning shadows off can improve your FPS by 200%-300%
    Zarkoix likes this.
  3. Zarkoix

    Zarkoix New Member

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    There isn't a good way to fix this but wait. The game is still in development and optimization won't be prioritized until the engine is finished, which is after orbits and planets are implemented. Though optimization won't be prioritized the performance is still greatly increasing through the patches.

    *This is my personal opinion as I have no way of knowing the work process and priorities of Uber

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