PA - Game Experiences

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tco84, August 29, 2013.

  1. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    You have to be in range for them to assist. It's a bug. Give a move order right next to the nuke/anti-nuke and then give the assist command.

    Edit - same with ships. Use the bug tracker!
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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  3. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Most likely because Beta was announced "for September" and since its the last day of August Beta could literally be away a day or two. ;) ;)

    The statement of the PO may be something like:
    Before doing anything else get the very basics of the game right, like unit commanding, game joining, and so on . I would second that.
    If necessary, push back the schedule for beta release and try getting the games core components to work without a lot of glitches. Not a perfectly working solution thats 100% bug free as thats nothing to be expected in an alpha.

    Just as you say, current state is certainly not ´a day or two´ away from a beta version.
  4. thelowleypineapple

    thelowleypineapple Member

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    Our anticipated schedule is as follows:

    Alpha Early Access Begins: June 16th, 2013 - Alpha access may be restricted to online connection required

    Beta Early Access Begins: September 6th, 2013 - Beta access may be restricted to online connection required

    Retail Access Begins: December 15th, 2013

    this comes from the steam page describing the dates, the key word is anticipated so dates are subject to change.

    like i said man, this is all a matter of my opinion, and no it doesnt make you a jerk if you say a game sucks, its the way youve been saying it, the fact that you assumed somethings were gonna be in the game when they weren't to begin with, and also your refusel to understand that this is an alpha and that everything is subject to change and if you submit you bug reports to the actual devs your problems may be solved in future patches. if thats not good enough then just wait for a stable version to play.
  5. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    I see, so "Alpha" is the excuse for everything right?

    Ok, lets wait another 6 days, then we have beta...ridiculous argument right there..
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Beta is just as much a good explanation of why a game is buggy. Games in beta tend to be buggy. Games in real alpha tend to be near unplayable, so PA is actually already at a pretty good playability level. As can be seen in the video I posted that you silently ignored because it doesnt fit into your line of argumentation.
  7. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    Beta's when we're supposed to get optimisation and non-core features. As soon as interplanetary is in, I'd say we should be in beta.
  8. thelowleypineapple

    thelowleypineapple Member

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    come on man you missed what i said, NO ONE except the devs know when we are going beta. that date they have is subject to change and it may be another month or tomorrow
  9. 3dmo

    3dmo New Member

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    Sorry if this has already been reported, I did search "reclaim patrol repair" but couldn't find anything.

    Basically I sent a construction aircraft on a patrol around the base so it would repair anything that was damaged and then I started to reclaim a metal extractor with an advanced bot so it could replace it with an advanced metal extractor. When I checked on it a few minutes later the aircraft was repairing it while the bot was still trying to reclaim. It looked to be repairing overall so this battle of wills could have gone on indefinitely.

    Perhaps in due course you could add something in so construction types that do patrols are able to detect reclaiming operations and assist accordingly.
  10. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Probably the best place to report bugs is using the PA bug tracker. So that when they get around to crushing bugs they have a database of reports in one place.;):)

    PA bug tracker url:
    Last edited: September 10, 2013
  11. 3dmo

    3dmo New Member

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    Ah, thanks a lot. Ran the search there and found someone else had posted the exact same thing. Added my two cents accordingly.

    Appreciate the help.

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