PA - Game Experiences

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tco84, August 29, 2013.

  1. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    btw...I didnt command the other workers in this video.

    ...apart from this, fighting troops react the same way, all the units get stuck like this very often.

    I have more videos for you guys to come, dont panic ;)

    Once more for you, just to make sure that you understand...ALL my other games are running perfectly. I have fresh installed windows, all latest drivers, direct x, single gpu card, single screen, good overall hardware, and PA is the only game that does the bsods.

    The client also crashes randomly, but i dont count these anymore, far to many in far to short time, gets annoying at some point..
    Last edited: August 31, 2013
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    BSODs are usually a sign that something with your computer isnt right.

    If you can't stand the fact that PA is not yet finished you should probably just put it aside and wait a few month.
  3. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    So basically you wanna tell me, that 50 overall bsods in 2 years total time, ONLY appearing in your game in the last month and result from playing only your game, are not related to the game?


    another fine video, showing how good the pathing works at the moment. Enjoy.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    well yeah, i.e. it could result from the game being not optimized and putting an unusually high load on your computer resulting in overheating.

    That video shows indeed a common problem with pathfinding. You literately have to work around that with multiple waypoints. It's not a problem that prevents you from playing.
    I.e. you could try to consider pathfinding while building your base to prevent this.

    Also please note that PA is not "my" game, I am not an employee of uber and just state my personal opinion here.
  5. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    I have watercooling, cpu wouldnt even hit 40 degrees, also the gpus wont hit 45.... ;)

    it wont prevent me from playing? as long as iam clicking to get this mentally retarded bot to move proper i cant micromanage my whole base and maybe lose a battle because of this nonsense.

    the whole game is full with these kinda glitches, its barely playable for me.
  6. deso88

    deso88 Member

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    This doesn't mean your PC is stable. Getting BSODs from playing a game is weird. I've never gotten any from any software. Then again I am not using Windows. You should really stress test your PC with fit programs.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well you just need to know the glitches and keep an eye open for them. So if a worker refuses to find a way by itself give it many small commands that it can understand. That way it is quite possible to play interesting games in PA already since a month or two.
    And yes sure you sometimes will lose games because of weird bugs. That's to be expected in alpha. Nothing to make a fuss about.

    Also BSOD's from PA are not normal. Something has to be problematic on your side, maybe you have some old driver or some other kind of problem.
  8. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    my pc is stable. it can run 3dmark a whole night long without crashing, its definately game related.
  9. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Please lets consider that it also COULD be some driver glitch. I too get (quiet rare) BSODing on a machine that is stable and in good working condition.
    I did a lot of memtesting, benchmarking, running hours under much more demanding software than PA, lots of stress testing.....nothing. Seriously, PA is peanuts compared to rendering or hash analysis.
    Temps are low, nothing ever exceeds 55C. Depending on my setup either CPU or CPU and GPUs are watercooled.

    In no way do I blame PA for beeing the primary fault. Just dont be that quick to blame it on junk hardware. At least include junk drivers as an option ;)
  10. thelowleypineapple

    thelowleypineapple Member

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    dude my computers graphics card isnt the greatest (Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4200) i can play this game on smaller maps without terrible fps drops, and in this latest patch i can play on larger maps. i paid 90 to support the game and i know its not completely playable right now, but with ive watched it from the beginning and have seen all of their improvements. all i can say is give it time. the game WILL get better, now if you want to be a hater then go right ahead. but in your 11 second vids, you give cases were one doesn't do what you want, if you could show off those moments were an entire army gets stoped id be much more likely to believe everything you say.
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    junk drivers can be an option but we've ruled that out with dxdiag, s hit O.S., reinstall needed.
  12. deso88

    deso88 Member

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    That is not a very good program for stress testing your CPU. Use something like Prime95.
    If PA is really causing this then it is most likely not Ubers fault, rather some dependecies.
  13. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    make a video and show me.

    i will give it a try.
  14. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    How so?
    Dxdiag now dumps the inner workings of kernelspace binaries like display drivers?
    Just out of interest, how to come to this conclusion without further knowledge of the system?.
  15. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    Welcome our happy glitchin commander...he is doing weird things with an energy plant...
    Last edited: August 31, 2013
  16. thelowleypineapple

    thelowleypineapple Member

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    i would if i actually owned any kind of recording software. i will understand if you dont take my word for it when i say this, i tend to receive 15-20 fps when playing on a small world. this may not seem playable to you with you godly graphics card (I WANT SO BAD lol) but for me i know the game will improve, for now im just gonna sit and wait until another fps improvement patch. as for everything else you've been posting, you sound extremely hateful, rude and like someone who complains a lot (not trying to say you are or do just pointing out how it sounds) which makes it harder for people to understand your point on somethings. i however dont believe that uber lies when they say improvement. for example, i manage to beat a mile run by .01 seconds, is that a big improvement? no but it is an improvement regardless, and all of the tiny improvements with some bigger ones eventually add up.

    remember we are lucky to even have the game this early, enjoy what you have. and instead of sounding like a jerk by saying the game sucks, say your having problems with so and so feature. if you feel you cant play it in the current state then wait a few patches, or untill the beta comes out, you may see some of the current problems be non-existent in the future.
  17. ltdeadkittens2009

    ltdeadkittens2009 New Member

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    So far I've had a lot of good experiences with PA. Of course I've had some bad experiences, but I know that's not game related. My computer needs a serious upgrade in hardware.

    However, there is a interesting thing happening while playing in game. I'm sure I'm not the first to note this, but just in case I want to make sure the devs know.

    Enemy commander is under water and the only way to destroy him is through nukes. Subs don't work. Torpedo launchers don't work. Nothing but nukes. To say it was slightly frustrating is an under statement. I eventually launched 4 nukes at him for kicks and giggles. It was an AI commander so he didn't move since the beginning of game, due to him not having any metal sites near him(which does bring up another interesting thing).

    So with this interesting turn of events it brings up some issues. Submarines aren't firing on enemies, submerged or not. Torpedo launchers don't launch on submerged units. AI doesn't move after initial launch if not near metal sites.

    I know that you are all busy with other things and I don't expect these issues to be fixed right away. This post is just more of an informational and just something that I have experienced. Hope it helps none the less.
  18. tco84

    tco84 New Member

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    What is so freaking hard to understand?

    Just watch this video...or the other videos.....Yes, you can't see the mousecursor, thats a problem of fraps, but you can see the visual/sound indicators that come from my orders and it should be absolutely clear, visible and understandable what happens there. Except for people that are in complete denial maybe....

    These 3 ships were ordered 13! ******* times to attack that shipyard, and what happened? Nothing. They ignored nearly everything, ok at least they auto attacked the coast but of course i wanted my units to follow my orders.

    Units in a game should follow my ******* orders, thats absolute basic stuff.
    What is the attackbutton good for, when units won't attack?

    I dont have problems with "features". Attack and move, those two are core basics of any game and should ALWAYS work.

    How can i enjoy a strategic game, when it's not following my commands? It's pointless.

    I sound like a jerk cause i say the game sucks? NO. Not at all. I am saying that units dont follow to my command, in a game where commanding units proper is the most important thing. I also did show, that this things happen in the actual game. If that makes me look like a jerk, ok....
    Last edited: August 31, 2013
  19. Grounders10

    Grounders10 Member

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    Its an alpha, why is it every second person I run into (not on this forum thankfully) seems to believe that an Alpha means "A day or two from Beta". We are literally playing a game that is almost completely unoptimized and full of little programing typos. glitches, small and major, are to be expected. If you can't run it in the current version, and can't find anything wrong with your computer, wait until its been in beta for a month or so and then try it again. If it still doesn't work come back here and complain because at that point you have a problem.
  20. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    Lol this guy is so angry. Did you even research the current state of the game whatsoever before you purchased it?

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