ui... hmm... what parameters are you using then ? could you upload the project file so that i can take a closer look :-D
the texture-files are in the unitdirectories... for example for the delta commander you have the folowing files in the "..\PA\PA\media\pa\units\commanders\imperial_delta"-Directory -imperial_delta_diffuse.png (for the textures) -imperial_delta.papa (for mesh and the rigs and bones) the other files are for the mask (to color the units in the playercolor) and the groundmaterial :-D if you need help on how to get stuff done in blender pls say so
3 Things: Thanks raevn for your time and commitment to this and other tools. Possible bugs: Duplicate vertices in mesh (see "Verts:#" in attached images). These duplicate vertices are also included in Vertex Groups. Vertex count decreases by 2624, from 4280 to 1656, once "Remove Doubles" is used. Bone rotation seems reversed in places (See wings on Delta Commander). Is this tool still being developed or is everyone on hold to see if Uber will provide as on the "Tools?" thread by neutrino? If neither what is the best current way to import/export models w/ textures? Thanks again for all the awesome tools and resources!
I'm loving the importer AWESOME work.. I get some error's when trying to export i will post them later, you might be able to help show me what im doing wrong I also tried exporting 3ds Max .fbx's and using papatrans but it also fail's for me.
I've been trying to work that out - https://forums.uberent.com/threads/unofficial-papa-file-format.46767/page-2#post-827737
I get an error trying to load (what used to be the PNGs of) evergreen_01.papa (the tree image in media/pa/terrain/grass/textures) Is it because thy are non 3D objects? do we need a new importer for these?
The blender importer doesn't support textures, you'll want the papa texture editor instead: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-papa-texture-editor.56309/
thank you. I love how this forum can get **** done so fast. I know now that that papa editor was already available, feels like everyone's five steps ahead of me here. Anyways I just got done making a mod with it.
I'm a noob and I keep getting this error when trying to export to .papa: puu.sh/7phmM/df2189296b.png Any help?
@faceplantuk: You need a armature attached to your model. Select the model first, shift select the armature, ctrl-p , and choose one of the sub-options under Armature Deform. If you don't know what that means I highly recommend looking at some tutorials for animation with blender. Edit - Made a Mistake in the instructions. Choosing Armature Deform doesn't work, it has to be one of the sub-options.
Hello everyone. I've just made my own Shader-Setup for Blender Cycles One for the Terrain (with opitonal color correction for Lava, 'cause they where blue :-/) One For Units (with selectable Teamcolors) Not sure if I should/can share the Node Setup here. (if someone is interested) Edit: .Blend in the .Zip