New Unit Suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by soghog, August 16, 2013.

  1. flnordin

    flnordin New Member

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    stratosphere-fighter to shoot down orbital things around the planet that its build on
  2. soghog

    soghog Member

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    We already have "naval defense tower" in the form of torpedo launchers (which can be built by the commander and fab ships), and submarines. It's just that the subs can't submerge yet. Pelters and lobbers are also classified as 'anti-ship'.

    I think they're already including that, it's going to be called the avenger.
  3. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Put this badboy in the game:

    Solar-Focus Lazer of Death (LoD)

    An expensive orbital building only constructable in orbit of the Star, With a massive drain of energy this ultimate piece of artillery technology can focus light from the star to literally shatter a planet.

    This unit would open up a whole new frontier in stellar orbit, control the sun win the game.

    Credit goes to

    and whomever originally
    produced the video this is was found on.
  4. ltdeadkittens2009

    ltdeadkittens2009 New Member

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    I'm currently happy with the units over all, but wouldn't mind a T1 artillery vehicle or bot.

    Another would be Air Transports for land units. As many would point out the similarities between PA and SupCom, probably do to many devs being part of the SupCom when they were in Gas Powered Games, I think the UEF transports would mesh really well with the current system. I'm not talking about the Forged Alliance T3 transport. Just the T1 and T2.

    Of course there is also the question of perhaps new structures. The biggest one I would like is an anti-missile. I like the catapult and the T2 missile cruiser, but I think they are too powerful. So either a lower damage output for the unit or maybe an effective counter.

    Another structure would be a shield of some sorts. Nothing on the scale of SupCom, sorry to bring that up again, but maybe one on the size of the T2 shield generators.

    My final suggestion would be T2 anti-air. The current way the system is, you have to have some sort of air units just to compete in a game. Of course in real-life when you have Air Superiority you can destroy units and structures of your enemies at your leisure. On the flip side of that though, there is anti-air aka SAM sites that can take down aircraft quickly and effectively if given enough notice via radar.

    I know a lot of my suggestions come from SupCom, but I for one noticed almost immediately upon seeing the first PA trailer that at least some inspiration came from the game. Also my suggestions counter a lot of the strengths of units that, in my opinion, dominate the game and make it a lot more fast paced. Which in of itself there is no issue with, however it also makes it a race to who can produce that unit the quickest and deploy it against the enemy. With an effective counter it lowers how much of an impact certain aspects of the game make, which could make some players mad since now it would take longer to defeat an enemy. In my humble opinion the point of any RTS game is not who has the most powerful units, but the person that uses their units most effectively.
    MikeyTheSoviet likes this.
  5. dala1984

    dala1984 Member

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    Last edited: August 31, 2013
  6. MikeyTheSoviet

    MikeyTheSoviet Member

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    Air Transporters.
    They carry bots and vehicles. Advanced air factory only. Costs 6000 metal. 2 Med-Power land MG's. (Stimulates escorts for AA Support). Can carry 12 units at one time. Units can be manually docked onto the transport or can set a factory rally point, making it a "Build'n'go" automated process. (Much like SC's mechanics)
    That is all.
  7. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    I'd much prefer cheap, single-unit transports like TA SO LONG AS Transports get some love with their orders. Call For Transport and Area Transport are two things that will be necessary if transports are going to be in the game.
  8. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    I do believe neutrino said they were going with something like the atlas from TA as their air transport unit.
  9. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    An orbital unit similar (keyword) to the Ion Cannon from C&C would be awesome :D
  10. amphok

    amphok Member

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    without opening a new thread, i would like to said: they should add something menacing and intimidating, like Sumo or The Can, i always liked super resistant unit, that slowly advance and crush everything
  11. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Way ahead of you (10 months ago!? Wow).
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    units i like to see:
    hovercraft with plasma cannon (strong but low firerate), one with gatling (weak but high firerate), one with aa- rocket launchers (many weak dumbfire or few middlestrong tracking projektiles) and a big but expensive transport hoverraft (for say 12 to 16 t1 bots) with 2 autocannons on the front and one on the back for selfdefense ..
    a percivallike sniperbot .. tanky with strong long range but rather slow in speed and turnrate ..
    firebug/roach kamikaze unit
    wagnerlike amphibius tank that has additional torpedo tubes to it´s maincannon
  14. hellhat

    hellhat New Member

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    Reposted from the PA subreddit:

    Unit Name:
    Mavor Mk II AKA: "The Awesome"

    "The original Mavor design was first discovered among the ruins of a civilization long since consumed during the War. The Mavor was a large, land based strategic artillery piece that spelled disaster for any opposing force staring down its massive barrel. Sensing the many potential applications for such a monstrous machine, our best scientists (back when there was such a thing) revived and improved upon the design. What they came up with was a ground-based interplanetary artillery installation they dubbed the Mavor Mk II, commonly referred to by young lab technicians at the time as "the Awesome." The Awesome can fire antimatter shells at a rate of one shell every fifteen seconds, every one able to do massive damage to a planet's surface and, given enough time, completely destroy it.
    Field tests over the last 3,000 years have shown the Mavor Mk II to be an extremely effective weapon and have prompted certain high ranking commanders to issue recommendations for full scale production to begin."

    I recently started playing the campaigns of SC and SCFA where I first ran into the Mavor, which, for those of you who don't know, is a massive ******* artillery piece that can one shot a stock commander from across the map. After I first saw it, I immediately thought, "what if they put this in PA?" Thus began my idea for the Awesome.
    I don't know anything about balancing this kind of weapon, but I thought that it would cost an exorbitant amount of mass and energy, somewhere around 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 respectively. I also figured that the thing would take up an equally large amount of mass and energy per second to fire, as well as having a REALLY long reload time (somewhere around 30-45 second between shots). I realize that you might see this kind of thing as useless since you can just smash a planet into your opponent instead and be done with it, but what if you're in stalemate and can't get to any asteroids or planets you don't need? The Mavor Mk II solves this problem by forcing you opponent to go for an all or nothing attack, thus breaking the stalemate.

    I know it's sort of an unrealistic idea, but I thought it would be pretty freakin' awesome if we could get this sort of mega weapon in the game, plus, I figured that people would probably enjoy it more on (the PA forums) than in my head.
  15. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    three words : shark ta pus
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  16. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    Just some more random thoughts to add to this thread:

    I really like the continuous laser type weapon that the Monkeylord experimental from SupCom had. Something similar on a tank/plane/ship/satellite/whatever would be cool, with a cooldown duration between laser bursts for balance. Actually something similar to the laser the gunship/troop transports the Republic uses in Star Wars Episode 2 would be cool.

    Units/defenses with multiple weapon systems. I believe the Doomsday Machine from TA had 3 different types of lasers on it. Some of the ships had multiple weapon systems too.

    Decent sized bots/tanks. Nothing on the scale of an experimental, but something on the scale of 1/2 or 2/3 the size of a commander would be nice as a slow-assault/siegebreaker type unit. Some kind of cross between "The Can"/"Sumo" and an AT-AT from Star Wars would be awesome.

    More unique weapons. Lightning guns/flamethrowers like the zeus/pyro from TA. MLRS (multiple launch rocket system), napalm, gauss cannons, cluster bombs, EMP, siesmic weapons, flak, cryo weapons.

    Weapons with unique behaviors. Artillery/missiles that split open into multiple projectiles after a certain distance. Weapons that only arm after traveling a certain distance (like an RPG in real life). Projectiles that penetrate through enemies. Grenade launchers that bounce around if they miss the initial target.

    Weapons with after effects (i.e. napalm burning the ground, electric weapons temporarily/randomly rooting units in place, nano-bot swarms that eat units that pass through the cloud). AA weapon that creates a cloud of electricity that floats in the air where it fires.

    This is just a brainstorm of random ideas. I certainly don't expect all of these to be added in, but hopefully they can potentially inspire some cool units for the devs or for modders.
  17. blaza612

    blaza612 New Member

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    I would like to see some more orbital ships. I have some ideas for some units and buildings but I would like to see other ideas.

    Orbital Fabricator T1
    This is used to make you basic T1 orbital structures.

    Orbital Bomber T1
    Used to bomb planets with high accuracy, high power slow firing lasers to attack enemy's on the ground.

    Small Frigate T1
    Despite it's name, it cannot leave orbit like all ships but it can go into local space (basically extended orbit) and defend local mines. This ship is more superior than a fighter in every way except speed.

    Orbital Factory T2
    This factory is built by the orbital Fabricator in orbit. it can build T2 starships, bombers and fabricators. it starts off with a small orbital platform around it to build defenses on which can only be built by the factory itself.

    Orbital Platform T2
    This is built by a T2 orbital fabricator and is used to build land structures in orbit. This design can be added onto and also change formation (Thanks to Aperture Science :p) to however the user wants. All land structures can be built on this (Including factory's) to change the entire tide of battle.

    Bombing Platform T2
    This has a very powerful beam that can be used to destroy entire bases in minutes. This must be built on an isolated orbital platform. It has a very slow rate of fire and you can not add anything on it.

    Orbital Fabricator T2
    Your advanced orbital building machine can create any T2 structure and can also create mines in local space.

    The rest of the units is up to everyone else. Hope these get put in :D
  18. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    I would love to see a floating platform, wich can be used next to eachoter to create a bridge.

    Also, i would like to see something that shoots buildings to another planet. Like for example a rocket that crashes into another planet, then clamp on and transfer into a turret or a radar or something. Just something you send in advance of your troops or builders....
    dala1984 likes this.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    lol. supcom3
  20. perecil

    perecil Active Member

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    Hello, this is my first post here (future beta user, not alpha).

    May I suggest something along those things?

    - Teleporter between planets: this could create a main strategic target on a planet, to prevent reinforcements to come again and again.

    - Unit with decoys emitters: some kind of unit that emits fake radars signatures to lure the enemy somewhere else. Among those lines, if I remember well, TA had fake factories / power plants...

    I also know that shields are not wanted in this game, because it encourages turtling by stacking shields. However, to my point of view, while in supreme commander this was a problem as stacking was permitted, why not simply disallow shield stacking? Or if multiple weapons types exists, do something along the lines of Spring, which had "magnetic" shield that repelled artillery bullets, but were inefficient again other form of weapons (bombing, lasers...).

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