Lobby experience == argh

Discussion in 'Support!' started by glinkot, August 21, 2013.

  1. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    I've played quite a few games of PA now, since the first alpha- progress is great. Just for 'quality of experience' though there are a few things that get pretty annoying, and I'm sure a very junior team member could spend a couple of days to fix a few things that would help us all out. In particular:

    a) Joining any match called 'quick match' from the 'ubernet games' tab results (for me) in a hung screen requiring PA to be restarted. Perhaps it's worked once for me, but pretty much it does this consistently.

    b) Joining lobbies in general - about 40% of the time I end up with either the server disconnected screen (it says 'returning to main menu' but never does, so PA requires a restart once again)

    c) Dropouts between readying-up and game spawn. This one probably has various causes and isn't a quick fix - but after finally getting into a game, I end up finding myself against 'AI 0' instead of the other player probably 15% of the time in a 1on1 match.

    d) A beep function and kick function would really help out - again probably 15% of the time I end up in a game where one person is afk. Everyone else joins, works this out, leaves, and then you see other people continuing to do this cycle, each having to find out on their own. An 'afk' icon next to the name with a 2 min timer and a 'kick' button would do the trick.

    e) Given all this restarting that has to happen, having PA remember the ubernet password would be a huge plus!
  2. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    a) You shouldn't be able to join quickmatch games from the lobby. They shouldn't show up at all (and right now they show up with the wrong number of slots, which results in the hang). This has already been fixed, but not pushed live.
    b) I'll look into it. However, returning to main menu *should* work.
    c) Real matchmaking and ranked matches should help with this.
    d) This is a problem. I'll look into it.
    e) This is easy to do but it is a security risk. There are ui mods that do this already... however we will probably have to stop them from working soon. If you use steam, it will use your steam credentials to log (so you don't have to enter your ubernet password when PA launches).
  3. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Guilty of this, but only once, and i think it's because they changed quick match to be just 1v1. Reason: I wanted to boot up a game vs. 1 AI, and when I hit ready suddenly another person appeared in the player list. If they had appeared before, I would have just hit back from the lobby screen. I think a "Quick Match vs. AI" option that throws you in a 1v1 right off the bat with the AI would be a solution to this. At least until single player becomes a thing. Maybe have a planet selector for the QMvsAI on the title screen?
  4. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    Thanks for that masterdigital. Appreciate you having a look at it. I didn't realise I could avoid the signin with steam - so I've set the game up on that too.

    A good quick fix for afk I think would be a beep when someone logs in/out. I've had the situation myself where you're the only one in your game, waiting for people, you're playing with your phone in the background and look up 3 mins later and everyone is in there chatting about where you might be!
  5. natewiebe13

    natewiebe13 New Member

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    I don't think that works yet. It doesn't for me at least.
  6. dabullet

    dabullet New Member

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    I comfirm these problems, they are still present in 52512.

    When I try to join a game there are several possible outcomes:
    -about half the times it succeeds (sometimes after saying connection failed)
    -the game freezes for like 15 seconds and returns to main menu afterwards (occurs most often)
    -moving_to_lobby is displayed, yet I never get there, need to restart game
    -a black screen only displaying game version, need to restart game

    Often, but not always, these messages appear when I try to join a full lobby. Can't Uber just
    program a message lobby is full?
    glinkot likes this.

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