I would just like to suggest a couple changes to the UI: A Friends/Party system - A system that allows players to make and create parties (up to 4?) which can join into a server at once ? Also a friends system would be beneficial to player's who enjoy playing with certain players to be able to play again. A Force Start Option - A lot of time is spent waiting for people to join and return to the game while other players are ready to go. I think a force start would allow games to function more smoothly. Reconnect/Disconnect - Instead of having to quit the game to reconnect if server bugs or etc - players should be able to see the server ip to console reconnect to or have a ui button reconnect integrated into the main menu somehow. I might be just talking out of my *** but yeah those are my UI suggestions
Welcome to the forums! It's never too early to complain. Heck, I've been complaining since the first day I heard about PA.
I appreciate your informative reply, but my thread is about suggestions, future implementations, not immediate demands, thanks again for informing me that we are in the alpha stage.
Your last suggestion is a definite. Was confirmed we'll be able to reconnect mid game. Your first suggestion is likely, though the only thing that currently exists are a few clans.
-Overall a very minimalist HUD aesthetic. Ideally fully customizable as widgets. -Build/command que lines/ghosts and ETA like in Starcraft 2/SupCom (Yellow or white line indicates move command, red line indicates attack, etc.) -Option to remove the click sound -Spectator mode snap to commander key -Spectator free drawing on the map like in Dota 2 spec mode