I know the score menu isn't done yet so this may be a plan already but I think it would be cool if we could stay in a chat room at the scoreboard before disconnecting from the game . I enjoy talking about different strategies or events that happened during the game once I'm not focused on winning the game. Sorry if this has been mentioned or confirmed already. I looked real quick but didn't find anything.
This'd be an easy mod, just change the dimensions of the pre-game chat and plop it in the post-game. The chat still goes on even once the SIM stops.
The problem I see about a mod for this is that all players will probably need it? So you can't use it with randoms and when you play people you know you probably have other means of communication.
as this is client-side it only works amongst those who have it. this is as far as I got. the game over screen doesn't load any chat javascript so it doesn't work.
It would be nice to enable the players to also have a option to show each other some key points of the game using a windowed replay above the chat. Maybe the stats could be used to show graphs of things like unit numbers etc to show when key battles occurred.
why not right now? it would take a couple minutes to put this in, it's just a couple lines of code and they actually understand it. I merely drool on the keyboard when I'm trying to add it in. turn this thread into a poll. There's a lot of interesting discussion to be had around whether or not it is relevent to have a post game chatt. SC2 has it, FAF has it, LoL has it (worst possible example and yet one time out of five the chatt there is very siresque). I can think of great uses for it, such as admiting to your oponent good game and debating about how the match when while scroling through chrono cam, poiting certain things out only you saw, asking and giving advice for future games. I played one with someone I'd asked to try the mod with me, he had trouble with all this "advanced" file changes and we ended up just playing and had a good match. the game ended suddenly as I was typing a friendly message that he never got.