Anybody play this guy?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by teapot, August 17, 2012.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    The MNC Reaper.

    ran into him for the first time early this morning. he did pretty well on sniper so I asked sent him a message about trying out privates. He invited me to a party and I thought it was PeachyPony trolling me. The first thing he talks about is PP, and how he was first on the leaderboards for kills and bunch of other stuff about him. Looked at his bio and turns out it's not peachy with an accent it's just some swedish kid.

    I go against him a couple of his friends, and this dude iistormxx who is another good new player. Got the concept of assassin sniper and assault at least.

    anyway this dude goes full Peachy mode and it made sense why he was talking about him. I picked gold accuracy gunner and got raped by camping snipers, firebases, and Reaper just trapping me in spawn. I go like 12-14 while Reaper goes 67-4

    Has anyone else run into him because this is the first time I've seen him.
  2. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    i dont know who that is.
  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    granted man the next game I go assault and he goes sniper I got 47-1 and he goes 15-9 on grenade III...

    the game before on steel peel was mostly about his team containing me, while he had the safety to do whatever he pleased.

    Seriously, I'm not sure if I've seen that much juice before. He seems like he could be good but its hard to judge in matches like that
  4. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    I played him with snack and he ragequit
  5. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Don't know - but check out his friends list and there are some familiar names. Also, his MNC achievements go back to 9/2010. That is far more investigation into someone than I am used to...
  6. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    hes on the weekly leaderboards sometime but never played him
    he could be an alt account but who knows...
    theres a mnc guru account too but thats not me
  7. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    this dude definitely isn't an alt account for any american. Bio says he's from sweden and his accent is impossible to understand. He was playing with his friend dragonrage or something who was also swedish.

    Says PP is his rival.
  8. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    I wreck when we are in a game.
  9. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    why is everyone so obsessed with me...leave me alone. i want to play by myself and not talk to any of you
  10. leadlpmaster

    leadlpmaster Active Member

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  11. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    A lot of time you put a big target on your back when you completely 100% ignore the objective, repeatedly buy juice and trap new players in spawn with it.

    I'm a little shocked you haven't figured that out to be hoenst. Hell people hated Xeno and he only ignored the objective half the time.

    People hated gunked at first and thought he was a juice chaining pubstar, but he has shown he's more than that. He still paints a big target on his back in pubs though. A lot of new players ask If I have ever played him or ran into him.
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i must be the first person ever to play a video game for kills, someone playing a shooter while trying to kill people...what a tragedy, i should be lynched

    ironic how people say pubs don't matter but then get their panties in a bunch when you don't play with the intention of shutting it down in minutes
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    No you're not the first person to play like that. You're the first person who is stupid enough to question why people target you though. Like I said, Xeno was smart enough to figure it out.

    You're right, it's ironic. Just like how it's a 6v6 objective based game when you decided not to play me, and just a slayer/shooter type game with no objective every other time.

    what's the difference in shutting down lobbies in a few minutes on noobs, than a 15 minute game going 60-2 against noobs? They both kill the lobbies and make people quit just the same.
  14. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    xeno figured out people get very upset when they lose in video games?..

    all hail the modern day nostradamus of xbox live!

    unintelligent examples of irony make me sad. let me give you an example, someone on the forum cries about me not playing them, yet quits out more than half the time before a game starts and has a history of quitting out during games against me.

    /queue moaning & excuses

  15. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    wait, gunked gets kills without juice?
  16. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    lol, no
  17. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It's funny because either you still don't understand, or you do but choose not to. Oh, are we that far into it where you're just grasping for straws (juice)?

    Try and come up with a story on me quitting, it'll be amusing. :lol: Only time I quit mid game was when I joined mid game, selected assault, watched your juiced tank kill all the noobs on my team then let the ball go up. I charge out, headcrab you and taunt, then leave. Then you got mad :evil: If we go by your definition, right now you're "begging" me to play with you, "slut". See how that works? It doesn't.

    I play you at 3:00am more than I quit at 3:00am, which is weird because either you're retarded, have a bad memory, or both. I just think it's a combination of great, and pathetic, knowing that the only way me or anyone else will play you is on your own terms. I honestly didn't think anyone needed host that bad. I almost didn't see the point but I guess that K/D really matters huh mr. I don't have to prove anything?

    it's not complicated though, just kinda funny. You have fun beating up unprestiged players, on host, juice chaining. That's what floats your boat. I can understand why you'll never play off host and/or without juice. You'd be at the exact opposite end getting stomped by others :lol:
  18. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    you'd be surprised at what happens outside of public matches.
  19. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  20. thej3p

    thej3p Member

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    ...And my topics get locked. Gonna stray away from the kiddie pool for a second and talk about original topic. I have played him before, and while he was an insane juicer, he had great fundamentals and was a challenge even off juice. He could be a great private match player if he learned no juice machine play style. Also can confirm incredibly difficult to understand Swedish accent.

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