Single player mode?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by furyofthestars, August 10, 2013.

  1. furyofthestars

    furyofthestars New Member

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    Sorry, this may have already been covered and I've missed it... a quick search hasn't turned anything up.

    I've (finally) had the opportunity to download my Alpha copy and have installed it, but noticed the Single Player option is greyed out. Is it just not active yet, or am I missing something or did something wrong? I realize the AI is probably crap right now, but I haven't truly played this style game in a while and need something to "familiarize" myself against before trying against actual people.
  2. techvert

    techvert New Member

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    You can host a game and launch it before anyone joins. All the unused player slots will spawn AI's instead.
  3. furyofthestars

    furyofthestars New Member

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    Excellent, thanks. I had noticed, too that all the slots were showing up as human player and there appeared to be no option to change it. That explains it, though.

    Again, thanks!

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