Supreme Commander esque overlays

Discussion in 'Support!' started by roggledoggle, August 7, 2013.

  1. roggledoggle

    roggledoggle New Member

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    One of my favorite parts of SupCom was how you could customize how much detail you saw at a glance.
    I would like something similar, with fields of fire, view range, radar range, missile range and such as well as options for when they are shown.
    I feel this would add a lot to the game as well as making managing things on a large scale much easier.
    I don't see how putting a circular line at a units X range would prove difficult to anyone and the fact that it's completely customizable leaves little room not to.

    Oh and a planetary grid overlay with alphanumeric designations would be great as well.
  2. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    When you have something selected hit the ctrl key to see its range. It will appear as a red circle.
  3. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    I am so hoping they add the option to have radar and static defense range circles as persistant. Even just to help with relative placement :mrgreen:
  4. roggledoggle

    roggledoggle New Member

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    In SupCom you can set it so it appears when the unit is selected, all the time or never.

    Radar, sonar if it's added, ranges for all defense structures, artillery emplacements, missile sites, units and such would be ideal.

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