Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully open)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by azhaiel, August 5, 2013.

  1. azhaiel

    azhaiel New Member

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    Well hopefully (If all goes according to plan), I'll be getting the Radeon HD 6670 DDR3 next tuesday. So at that point I won't really need to worry about much regarding running the game.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    you can contact me @ or PM me if any help for installation is needed.

    Make sure to take the opportunity to vaccum out all the dust in every nook and cranny (I garantee you there is a dust monster in there).

    And lay out a clear papers with printed steps in front of you and make sure you stop a every step and re-read the list. the more meantally prepared you are the better.

    All-in-all though this is the single easyest thing you can do in building a computer. It's really comparable to lego, no kidding. the most likely problem you are to have is not to have any leftover power feeds.

    I know that HP trim it down to exactly what is in the box I hope the low entry asus models don't do that. If there are however [​IMG]molex 4-pin power conector free you can use one with the included [​IMG] converter. Luckyly for you from the images I'm seeing it uses motherboard power. however though a 400W power supply is required minimum. and your case this one if I'm not mistaken only has a 300W one (Specs tab). So good luck :/
  3. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    Except that the Radeon HD 6670 DDR3 doesn't need an external power feed. It gets all the power it needs from the PCIe 16x slot.

    Speaking of PCIe 16x slots I would make sure your box has one before you go and buy a video card. They look like this.
  4. azhaiel

    azhaiel New Member

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    Lookin at the specs he provided on the tower... it does.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    read my post all the way to the bottom antillie ; )

    Just slap the graphic card in and if the system crashes from time to time because of insuficient power to the gpu or basically insuficiant power overall once the card is added into the equation then you'll need another PSU to fit the bill ...which won't fit into your case ...which means you'll get a new case to fit it ...but then your motherboard won't have standart screw holes... you've gone down the rabbit hole my friend. : )

    If not then horray!! :p

    I already did that, I cheked the dxdiag to get the MB model and checked it in the link above it does have one PCI-e 16x slot
  6. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    A 300W PSU should be adequate with a low power card like the 6670. You can make a gaming box on only 250W if you pick your parts correctly.

    Now you aren't going to be able to run a Crossfire setup or a high end GPU on a 300W system but I don't think he will have any issues adding a 6670 to his current box.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: Game won't launch (Crashes before the window is fully op

    so I though too, I just didn't wan't to be as assertive about it as the laws of informatics are harsh

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