These planets are tiny but most I wanted to make for big teams on a hilariously small scale for interesting battles. Each has a special feature that I tried to get to make gameplay on them interesting. All of them can be played online. Planet 1: Xbox Canyon Tiny planet, has TONS of canyons running through it and many areas are completely surrounded, meaning land combat will be very interesting here. Also this planet reminds me of the xbox 360 logo. Planet 2: Commander Wars Only one part of land on the whole planet, and it has no mex on it. My goal here is that all the commanders will spawn on the land and will duke it out for funsies, no real point to this map for anything else really. Planet 3: Pangea Another small one, its a huge mass of land and a small amount of water. I played a 5v5 game here and the action is great. Might not be a good FFA map though alternatively there is a scale 2 version if you dont like small maps: Still a huge land mass and the other side of the planet is nothing but ocean Planet 4: Mountain ridges Huge mountains and canyons provide some pretection from land, plus the planet looks epic.