Hey guys i bought the alpha yesterday, played and got flattened as expected and to get a general idea on how i could get my base built i made a table in openoffice calc to see what i could build with how many ressources. Anyway i thought some of you can also profit from it so i upoloaded it here and if some variables are changing ingame you can just edit the table and it calculates the ressource structures needed for all fabricating units again. green marked are the best values of one block in [brackets] are shortcuts for the entity name here you can download the table if you want to work with it: edit: did some mistakes with the red-green colouring but its no big problem
Hey couple of queries. Is the the colouring, why is sub and ship green for metal as they are least efficient. Also for your efficiency column that isn't taking into account which is more valuable the value of one metal compared to one energy. Where eenergy is more bountiful. I think it is slightly more complicated than this isn't it.
They are least efficient but the fastest builders. Efficiency is how much energy it costs to add 1 metal to a construction. For example, an AA tower costs 300 metal. A commander will build this in 10 seconds and use a total of 15000 Energy. A fabrication bot will build this in 30 seconds and use a total of 30000 Energy, as it is only half as efficient.
mass is green because its the fastest build speed. the efficiency column is just how much energy a unit needs to build 1 mass, the lower the best
Ahhh cheers. Thanks for the clarification. Is useful to know. Very interesting how the adv sea metal is so expensive above the normal t2.whereas adv sea energy uscheaper than the land eequivalent. Also about fabbers. Would it be better to use bot fabbers as they are cheaper early game. Although the difference isn't massiv. Though is an early game adadvantage, however gives you one less factory for anti spam. It would leave you a dedicated building for fabbers though for expansion so all factories could focus on ants.
the point with the fabbers depends on what you want to do with them. i think with airfabbers you can spread faster but with fewer buildings and bots are the cheapest, have a good build rate but arent that fast and cant fly over obstacles
I did something similar a month ago in a Google spreadsheet. Although I tried to determine the efficiency of different Fabbers depending on how much infrastructure they require. Spreadsheet Topic I haven't updated it in a month since I've been traveling. Although I've only noticed that Advanced Metal Extractor cost have changed.
I think general tactic at the moment is just a factory for a fabbers and thrn start on ants. Whereas may be better to get a dedicated fabber factory using bots. When you ddon't need fabbers it spams bots but is always there when you need it rather than interrupting your ant spam.
This was likely an oversight. The land version used to cost that much, but was dropped in cost a few builds ago. At the time, there was no underwater metal, so the sea metal extractor wasn't buildable. I think they just forgot to drop the price of it at the time.
I have a similar thing linked in my sig at the moment ( viewtopic.php?f=71&t=49122 ) I've kept it fairly up to date. Helps that the last few builds haven't had econ balance changes Also, mine lets you see changes with assisting.