Why (and how) walls need to be fixed

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by dbiton, July 29, 2013.

  1. dbiton

    dbiton Member

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    I could bitch about walls all day, but one picture worth a thousand words.
    the picture below is from a match i played today, with two new players. the first one spammed fabbers, and when i scouted him, i made a quick force and wiped him out, the second one was nowhere to be seen for half an hour, i got paranoid and spammed land, 25 factories 5 of them adv. spamming tanks, when i finally found him, i had a force larger then his base, one problem is, he spammed TONS of walls, he had one factory, 5 mex, 5 energy and everything else was walls, when i sended my tanks, they shelled the walls for a minute and died, they didn't even made a dent in his base. when i asked him why he did this, he said that it was the best startagy he found, the game ended with commander sniping, because i got bored. i think something need to be done, and i though asking the community will be the best.

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  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Glad someone brought this up. Walls are totally OP. I tried PMing Scathis and couldn't persuade him of how they were so strong.

    For their cost a wall and a turret can destroy huge swathes of tanks for minimal cost. People talk about how easy it is to counter with bombers or artillery, but that is micro intensive and only works if your opponent doesn't try to stop you at all. Sure you can walk around, but you can place them so cheaply and quickly they can be everywhere around your base and delay the attacker enough to get troops there to defend in time.

    Even so, you don't even need turrets behind walls, you can just pepper your base with walls. 10 tanks behind some walls stop 40 tanks with 0 losses.

    IMO they should be t2. That would sort out most issues I think.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think they will be OP when units are given target priority systems. Once your tanks know that it is more important to shoot everything else first, THEN the walls, they will be fine.

    Until the priority system hits, I agree they are a pain. Thankfully I think I've only ever played one, maybe two, games against wall-spammers. The rest have all been gentlemen's rules :mrgreen:
  4. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    I'm not so sure, Walls can physically obstruct shots even with proper priority. You could place 2-4 walls directly around a turret and it would take forever to take the turret down.

    Can tanks shoot through your own walls? I haven't tested but I feel like maybe you can.
  5. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    There's currently only partial shot-blocking by friendly units. Walls are in the "doesn't block" category right now as far as I can tell.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    :| Once walls aren't the first target able object to tanks then it should a simple case of going around walls, or simply not sending in your units to die from a fortified base.

    Because using walls should be a good option against players who bluntly walk directly into other players bases.
  7. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Ideally, you'd have some mobile artillery to bring to bear against the walls before unleashing the horde :D
  8. dbiton

    dbiton Member

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    But we cant remove them, so i think we can do a number of things
    A.make them less buffed
    B.make them expensive
    C.put a limit on how much you can build
    and units ignoring them is coming

    what do you like the most?
  9. SatanPetitCul

    SatanPetitCul Active Member

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    The walls in TA were fine to me.
    - untargetable
    - blocking the projectile/laser if the wall is on the trajectory

    In the current state in PA, they are quiet powerful, but you can deal with it if you pay attention. If you just send your units into the walls (with enemies behind), obviously you will lose your army without making any scratch. But if you stay just at a certain limit you can fire at the wall, avoiding the enemies returning fire (out of range). In this case you will spend time, sure, but it doesn't seem unfair to me.
  10. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Walls work how they are supposed to, its the game mechanics that don't work properly yet. Walls should be untargetable and only block direct fire from T1 units and block movement for all land units.
    Levelers should be able to 2 shot walls since they are T2 levelers.. Would be cool to have T2 walls that are higher and block Levelers as well as mess with air units, sort of like a wall/scrambling device.
  11. impend1ngdoom

    impend1ngdoom Member

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    real time STRATEGY. I love how as soon as you guys find a semi-valid defense tactic you bring it up in here as being OP because it can stand up to your noob *** army of tanks.

    While Im at it: If youre still at the point where making walls like that is a viable strategy it means he is taking quite a bit of time on it. Scout in advance and maneuver (I know such a crazy thing, dont just send tanks at it until its gone like you always do) around the walls OR just make bots (as they can walk through most wall arrays)
  12. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    I dont understand why you guys are trying to force your units through walls with defences behind them. Just go around them. If you say his whole base is surrounded by them, then he either has [A] a really small base or you were AFK for the first half hour of the game.
  13. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Although I agree the target priority is not functioning yet, and there is probably room for health/cost balancing, walls should block low angle fire and unit movement. It's the whole point of walls.

    I wonder if part of this stems from the fact that walls haven't been useful in an RTS since the days of the original red alert. Some people may be confused about going back to those days.
  14. dbiton

    dbiton Member

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    he made walls all around his base, and spammed mk II artillery inside, no need to be un-nice, as it is a discussion, not HURR-DURR FIX MA GMAE, so say your opinion, without sarcasm or assumptions.

    in red alert the walls only blocked infantry and could be destroyed in 3 second's. usually they were only early engineer rush defense (for me).

    thank you in advance

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    Last edited: July 29, 2013
  15. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Anything with a lathe counters a wall. It's just a pretty chunk of metal ripe for harvest.
  16. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    This topic just reminds me of how much I miss shields :(
  17. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    It is trivial to kill engineers before they even start to reclaim your walls.
  18. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Pretty much this, Mobile Arty will counter walled-in defenses... Once Mobile Arty learns not to shoot at the walls first lol.

    Also cwarner, you've only played 1 or 2 wallspammers because you hardly ever play :roll:
  19. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Not everything with a lathe is an engineer. That may be true at this point, but the sheer utility of the lathe lends itself to at least half a dozen specialty units.

    And no, it its not trivial to kill something hiding hiding behind your wall, getting the exact same protection that you are, as it devours the metal and thanks you for the free gift.
  20. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Shush ;)

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