I'm new here, and i have questions, so bare with me...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by gastrodon, July 27, 2013.

  1. gastrodon

    gastrodon New Member

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    I bought the early access on steam today, and am incredibly nooby.

    It seems that when the commander is attacked, e.g. Air ground offensive units, and aa guns destroy them, the commander will not return to the build orders. Are you supposed to reset the commander, because it's programmed that way, or is it supposed go back?

    Bots seem to go by the same build each time, and by each time, I mean that I've seen of my two games so far, and a third of which I didn't get to even see that because I was trying to find a rotation key, and ended up hitting delete which apparently isn't supposed to be clicked when your commander is selected... :p So user error on that one, still can't find the rotation key though... Regardless, the bots seem to always rush air. Is this just the best fit build, or are they supposed to be randomized and I need to play more?

    Lastly, will there be fullscreen mode, or resolution settings? The text is so tiny, and I can't read the miniature tooltips on the screen :( And if there is a way to change this, how would I do so?

    I thank you so much for reading, and thank you even more if someone supplies an answer to any of my nooby questions. Thanks!
  2. sabetwolf

    sabetwolf Member

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    I believe it is supposed to go back, as long as you haven't ordered your commander to attack

    AI is incomplete - it just does that automatically as a placeholder for any real intelligence. To rotate structures, hold down your mouse button when placing them, and then turn them in the desired direction. Structures grid lock to that orientation as well if you place them next to each other.

    Not currently, fullscreen isn't supported yet. There are ways, but as I don't know what they are, I can't help you there.
  3. gastrodon

    gastrodon New Member

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    Thanks so much! It all makes sense now. Is there a camera rotation feature as well?
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Not sure how up to date these are but here are the Basic Controls:
    Taken from this Steam guide.

    Ctrl + number -assign control groups, number to select that group
    C -center view on Commander
    N - orient camera facing North
    T -select unit/units and track a moving unit/units
    Double Click to select all units of a type currently visible
    Hold down Spacebar to look around in freecam mode
    Arrow Keys, move camera around planet
    Middle Mouse scroll for zoom
    Shift click to queue up building or rally points. Works with units and factories.
    Delete - Destroy selected units/structures
    Enter - Chat

    Chrono Cam shortcuts (do not require being in Chrono Cam mode to use)
    Home - Go to beginning of game
    End - Go to live game
    Page Up - Go back one second in time
    Page Down - Go forward one second in time

    Shift click on the build bar to add 5 units to a factory's build queue(Will show up as 4+ the one beinging built)
    Ctrl click on the build bar to add unit to beginning of build queue
    Right click on the build bar to remove unit from end of build queue
    These can be mixed together. example: Shift + ctrl + right click will remove five of that unit starting from the beginning of the queue.

    U -toggle UI visibility
    Ctrl H -Hide Healthbars
    Ctrl I -Hide Icons
    M -manual camera mode while in this mode, use WASD to move around, use middle mouse to look around, use R and F to move camera vertically. Hold down Shift to move faster
    P -shows game info (FPS, Etc)
    Comma - switch to Moon view
    Period - Galactic View Toggle
    F11 -pathing view
  5. gastrodon

    gastrodon New Member

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    You sir, are amazing. Thank you so much! Gonna go play around some more!
  6. kakamabaka

    kakamabaka New Member

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    I'm also New here. I hosted a game With my planet Brainz. I Guess I got annihilated because my Commander landed in the sea or what ever.
    Second time we were six players. I had lots of lag. Thought my GTX 570 was up for it. And I got kicked out of my own game. Hope that didn't end the game.

    I am in Norway. and I thought my internet Connection was up to the task. Which rate is recommended for this game?
    And sending Messages ingame; I don't know how to do that.
    Of course, I am a humble person, and hope my contestors could continue gaming when I was kicked out.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you can reconnect in this game

    just close Pa and open it again, connect and you should get a reconnect prompt.
  8. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Don't worry, the game is actually hosted on ubers servers so even if you crash the game continues. You can actually reconnect to a still running game by closing PA and starting it again. (If you get simulation terminated though its most likely that the server crashed so the game ends for everybdy.)

    Press Enter to send messages. Left-Shift+Enter sends messages to teammates.
  9. otal

    otal New Member

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    Hey Bau5,

    Read your thread at the beginning of the cup of coffee and found this shortly after the last sip.

    So I see your only outstanding issue is to play the game full screen :), I have found a script that ONLY WORKS ON WINDOWS 7. This link will bring you to a alternate topic that holds the link to a community page that states they have a solution/Download script. :ugeek:

    When clicking the link the original thread statement holds the information you seek.

    On a side note*

    Internet connectivity should not be too much of an issue as most of the time its more a video card hickup rather than your actual connection, as far as I know (havent seen a thread yet saying not so) there has been a few optimization changes which make the game far more playable than its original builds, in saying that they may still have alot of raw texture which is soaking up your power. Iv turned all my settings on the lowest possible and turned shadows off and I seem to get better performance. When the first builds were out I couldnt zoom out past near maximum zoom in after the first 10 minutes or I would always crash out, now i can play 8 man games no problem start to finish, try this and see what happens as I havent seen a post stating that the graphics quality tabs even work yet.

    *GOODLUCK :mrgreen:*

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