!!!!! last patch broke Dedicated servers !!!!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by dustoff, January 9, 2011.

  1. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    How many others are having this problem. Not talking starting from game but from command line.

    My two servers ran fine 24/7 no problems always full .

    Loaded the new patch and I get a error message that it requires steam , Both servers doing this both on seperate boxes.

    I see a bunch of servers up in game but wonder how many are just listen servers.
  2. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    you can only run dedicated server if you set them up from within the game
    The thing is that most Dedicated host don't actually have a gfx card to even start the game :lol:
  3. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    yep its totaly snuf.

    Hope they get a fix out really fast as the only thing running is home servers.
  4. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    I got the same error trying to run my dedicated server from the batch file.

    Configure it in-game and try that. I've got mine up and running, now.
  5. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    Works fine if you are running a listen server or server on your home pc . What we are talking about is dedicated boxes have been broke. No video cards to run the game and config the server etc.

    Worked before through command line but something got snafu'd this release
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We updated the command line to include dedicated servers without needing to run Steam.

    mnc.exe server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?ServerDescription="Server Name With Spaces" -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER

    Full Command Line
    mnc.exe server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bCustomGame=True?NumPublicConnections=12?NumPrivateConnections=0?NumOpenPublicConnections=0?NumOpenPrivateConnections=0?bUsePeerNetwork=True?bCreateHost=True?bShouldAdvertise=True?bIsLanMatch=False?bUsesStats=True?bAllowJoinInProgress=True?bAllowInvites=False?bUsesPresence=False?bAllowJoinViaPresence=False?bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False?bUsesArbitration=False?bAntiCheatProtected=False?bIsDedicated=True?OwningPlayerName=?PingInMs=0?MatchQuality=0.000000?GameState=OGS_NoSession?MapName=0?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?ServerDescription="Server Name With Spaces"?GamePassword=passwordwithnospaces -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER
  7. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    that starts fine however server does not show in lobby . I get a error stating that I cant start a new online sesion when one is started . Seems like there is no place to put host name .
  8. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    can join by typing open and the ip though so the server is running just not showing up in the lobby system
  9. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    i can confirm this, same error here.
  10. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    yep should have worked as nothing changed on my end .
  11. UberGaf

    UberGaf Uber Alumni

    Likes Received:
    I'm not the dedicated server guy, but I'd like clarification on exactly what behavior players are seeing. It sounds like:

    - Dedicated servers work fine when launched from in game.

    - Dedicated servers don't show up in the server list when launched from the command line. But otherwise seem to work normally; ie players can join them by IP.

    - Dedicated servers don't run on shader model 2 cards. (This shouldn't effect anyone who was running a server before, but obviously needs some fixin.)

    - Under some circumstances players are getting a "Steam is required error", but not all the time?

    Question: If the Steam client is running or not running, does it change the behavior dedicated servers from the command line?
  12. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    This is based on a true dedicated server box , No video card . Server ran fine before.

    Using the command line in the update post the server starts but never shows up in the lobby (did before). You can however join the game if you know the ip by typing open and the ip. This is doing the same thing on both my server box's which before the update hosted just fine.

    running from in game is NOT a option on dedicated boxes .
  13. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    The good news is I am able to start multiservers from the command prompt , so that part is working
  14. leviathan

    leviathan New Member

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    Confirming dustoff's observations.

    From what i can tell and see the mnc.exe fails to load the steamservice.exe as service and therefore is missing all the steam related functionality like lobby and stuff.

    There are 2 scenarios with the new patch and the "-STEAM_DEDSERVER" appended. Relevant stuff from the server console, rest omitted.

    With steam client running:

    Without the steam client running:

    Edit: Stupid Imageshack
  15. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    Was just going to grab thouse too. same thing I am getting . The one thing is there is no host name anywhere which I think causes the server not to show up.

    where getting there , hopefully soon we will have the server name and stuff in a file
  16. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    Anyone gotten past this problem ? Other than running it via the game as we are talking about "true" dedicated servers not the ones started through the game.
  17. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    1. Correct, if my currently-running server is any indication.

    2. I've yet to try restarting my server (it's full and I don't feel like dumping people at the moment) from the command line to test the new "-STEAM_DEDSERVER" variable, but this seems to be the case judging from the responses so far.

    3. If the command line launch method was working properly, then this would be something of a non-issue.

    4. I'm guessing this occurs due to the omission of the "-STEAM_DEDSERVER" variable when starting the server, but an issue exists either way since it should work without it as long as Steam is running.

    I'll do more experimenting once I've had a nap and my server empties out long enough to fiddle with stuff.
  18. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    1. this error i get when i ran the server using the launch parameters steam offers in its client itself(in the properties of the game), But steam does not launch the game as a server, instead it launches the client with one exception, there is no splash screen, and the log partially includes the needed parameters (seems like steam doesnt allow that many characters in its launch parameters) So this has nothing to do with this issue i guess.
    Any other way to run the server without Steam_DEDSERVER results in a steam required error. Tested it on three systems, This error only appears for me if the server is not starting using the STEAM_DEDSERVER parameter.
  19. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    Since the listing of the servers in the lobby is broke I decided it would be a good time to try multiservers.

    Was able to get ten servers up on one box ( limit of ip addresses for that box) even though they did not show in the lobby I could join them all . Got them working with tcadmin but working on the many command line options.

    Major problem is that the hostleaccess file (the one used for bans and admin password) is still in the documents folder and needs to be in the game folder . That way each server can have its own options.

    Hopefully the server listing problem will be solved shortly.
  20. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We'll try to resolve that soon. Good to hear that multiservers work.

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