PA Alpha Build 51118

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, July 24, 2013.

  1. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Planetary Annihilation

    Current Build: 51118
    Date: July 23rd, 2013
    Windows Versions: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (64 & 32 bit)

    Mac OX/S: 10.7 & 10.8

    Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 & 13.04 (And derivatives); See here for other distro's that are working (Need alpha forum access)

    Build 51118:

    - Custom Planets: As the next step into getting the system builder online, you can now save and load (and play) custom planets! A couple caveats: If you see the word "experimental" show up in the planet builder, it means the server will not allow that planet. On planets larger than 1km diameter, you will probably see increased slow down, especialy with larger games. Currently playable games are at 1500, but we'll need to spend some time on performance and optimization before we open it up further. Even at 1500, games can really slow down. Lastly, things will break. This is a big change, and an important one. We imagine there will be some crashes, and we'll be fixing them as rapidly as we can.
    - AI is actively building now. It's still not a "smart" AI, but if you leave the AI alone for extended periods, be prepared for pretty large bombing raids. No more AI building stacking, sorry all. It does still cheat quite a bit, however.
    - You can select the alpha or delta commander (Just click on your commander icon in the lobby - the current images are placeholder, and are incorrect).
    - Alpha and delta both have their right foot back. Poor guys.
    - Metal is back underwater now. It's hard to spot, but if you use the magnetic property of them, you can still fairly quickly place them.
    - Significant pathing changes. In most cases, it should still be better, but we're working hard to find where it still breaks. If you find consistently reproable pathing issues, PLEASE get a thread started in the Alpha forums. If you had one weird thing happen that one time, that's significantly less helpful. :)
    - Air units should handle patrol paths much better now
    - Text input now support: copy/paste, text selection, the '>' character
    - Combat units should now keep their turret pointed in the direction of the last enemy. This will need tuning. It's great for artillery and laser defense, but mobile units may see weird behavior. Please post on the forums if you run into problems or find clearly undesirable turret behavior.
    - Build bar now supports tabs; Use b to tab through them (they don't accept mouse clicks yet); Still WIP to get all the units sorting in an ideal fashion
  2. Memanoth

    Memanoth New Member

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    Nice! Thanks for the update :)
  3. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    dem changes


    New Map, Edit Map:
    Pretty Cool, it takes a long time to generate it almost feels as if it broke if it's a large planet, but if I wait long enough it does show up. Seems to be the same for loading large planets, but not as long as the generation. I know it is a lot to ask of the hardware, it just seems like a "Yes I'm loading" might be in order.

    AI is a pain, unless you turtle with AA until you have an army of spinners and artillery you'll probably die. They bomb you quickly and seem to have no issue finding you. Worse still any time I try to build a forward base of any kind, bombers show up the second I put down my first building. Not that this is a bug or anything.

    UI in menu is pretty cool, but the "categories" tab is non functional, or at least it seems, new commander choosing could probably stand for a larger portrait, but splitting hairs. Possibly having a highlight animation of the button might help to alert people to the availability to click it, mostly because we all know people don't always read the directions when it comes to a game.

    I do feel the planet editor could only be one button on the menu, then having edit and new in the editor itself.

    ON the subject of AI, it might be worth having the nonexistent AI available, or turn off slot filling with AI so if you have a lobby set for 4, but you just can't get the fourth you don't have bomberman AI's changing the game.
    Last edited: July 24, 2013
  4. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    Perfect timing. I just walked in the door!
  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Accidentally the entire thing? ;P
  6. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    (*#$@&%(*@#&$ damnit.

    Thanks Bullet.
  7. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    this might be dangerous
  8. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    Uber must have been working overtime to get this one out
  9. sneakyness

    sneakyness Member

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    Oh HELL yeah! The turret orientation retention was sorely needed
  10. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Size of update: ~153.00 MB
    Other Changes
    • Two units added to unit list: Orbital Fabrication Bot, Orbital Laser (These are not playable at this stage)
    • New unit types: Economy, Recon
    • New model for anti-nuke launcher & missile
    • Mousetrap Javascript library now used for keyboard shortcuts
    • Many new Metal World meshes & features
    • System shown in New Game screen:
    • Select Commander icon in Lobby:
    • Aircraft Wreckages no longer disappear into the ground
    • Selecting multiple construction units of different types now shows all possible construction options.
    • Clicking the alpha logo in the center of the main menu re-opens the youtube video.

    Balance Changes
    All Commanders
    5 second delay added after aiming before returning to idle

    Tactical Missile Launcher
    Can now target the orbital layer

    See PA Modding Changes for a list of changes that affect mods.

    Bug Fixes
    • FS#3 - : does not work in lobby chat
    • FS#33 - Cannot paste into client password field
    • FS#94 - No typed charachters appears after '<' character in chat window in lobby.
    • FS#1128 - Can't type period in chat in the middle of a sentence
    • FS#1294 - Aircraft Wreckage Falls Through Ground
  11. Ikalpo

    Ikalpo New Member

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    Found a bug already.

    The torpedo launcher is not "defense".
  12. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Mac OX/S

  13. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oh lawd. Thank you for this update

    P.S. Anti nuke launcher looks incredible
    Last edited: July 24, 2013
  14. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I swear, someone at work is trolling me. I've fixed that in a few posts now, and it keeps reappearing. Since I copy and paste the last note each time.. I suspect fowl play. Better duck.
  15. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I think now we will have new kind of trolls who will create games on absurdly small planets. :)
    You need add some additional info about planet in Lobby.

    But I always want to play on very small planet, and AI broken here for some reason:

    He build these buildings and stopped. :(

    Attached Files:

  16. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Having just built a size 3 planet that was 50% water and then played on it pretty much makes this the greatest game ever made.

    I simply cannot wait to see some naval games!
  17. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    the grave yard of dead bombers in my front yard really helps with the evil military robot facility look
  18. sneakyness

    sneakyness Member

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  19. oxide246

    oxide246 Active Member

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    It looks like my mods are going to become obsolete fast (which is a good thing ;)). Keyboard shortcuts AND I see some prototyping for game stats too! There's a few other new features to play with as well. Nice update!
  20. doxbox

    doxbox Member

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    The last couple updates have really fleshed out the functionality of the game in quite large steps. Thank you and well done, Uber guys.

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