K/D farming forumers.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lagoon7, December 31, 2010.

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  1. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    Obviously you have to kill bots to win a game, but how are you going to push your bots when they are pushing theirs? BY KILLING THEM

    Killing pros takes priority over bots. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT. The person who went 40-15-1 helped way more than the person who went -20 and killed 50 bots. Although the bot killing role helped win the game, the guy who killed the 40 pros MADE IT POSSIBLE for the guy to even push against those 50 bots.
  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Or, you know, it couldn't happen to be that the team matching system is broken beyond hell by pairing up, constantly, high ranked (and often high skilled) players on one team and slamming the "n00bs" on the other making it so easy a victory for the former team. Yeah, let's blame it on the players not being "good" enough to stop you from having your fun. :roll:

    So what you're essentially saying is you're a selfish douche who likes to get his kicks and jollies at the expense of everyone else and possibly drive the community of this game down to the point that you'll only end up playing with the same people, repeatedly until the community up and dries out for other hopefully greener pastures. Smooth.

    Sorry to have to have had inconvenience you by not being able to hold off for more than 2-5 minutes after your 2-5 minute wait to get into said game, your highness.

    Christ, like I said before, this defense of kill farming spawn campers is cretinous.

    Christ, you again? I guess it was asking too much for someone to flush the toilet. Screw it, you're here and you're trying further to point out how one aspect is more important than the other, so I'll bite.

    No **** you're going to kill those who stand in the way of your job of pushing bots - what else are we going to do, ask them politely to stand aside? But you know what else is there preventing your bots forward momentum? Other bots (AI) and turrets (more AI). More often than not I'm having to kill a lot more of those than I am other Pro's because some try to do other things, be it establish fronts elsewhere while trying to pull down your turrets and defenses, establishing a base to clear lanes, or simply out to distract and sabotage your Pro's momentum to establish their own strategy, and that's not counting the number of goof balls who simply go out trying to kill Pro's and only Pro's and end up dying rather ridiculously unless they happen to be some sort of smart person that's not going to chase down every Tom, **** or Harry they happen to see flash up on their screen.

    The point still stands: you kill what's necessary for the task at hand. That doesn't mean you focus only on killing bots, you kill that which prevents your own progress towards victory including Pros.

    Uhm...I just went over that like 2 seconds ago...

    No, it really isn't. I've been in games that end with a total of 30 kills for all players involved and all because of smart pushes on weak defenses, or surprise pushes that simply left the opposing team to far out of place and reach to recover in time for a solid defense. Killing a Pro is nothing more than an added on bonus to the experience as the objective is to get your bots to their moneyball and crack it - no where in there does it say, "oh, and be sure to rake in at least 20+ kills otherwise you're a loser and you get no cookie."

    Unless, of course, that person who went -20 happened to be on the team that pushed hard, crashed their (opponents) defenses and cracked the moneyball while Mr. 40-plus-kills was too busy whacking off to his pretty looking K/D for the game to realize that the rest of his team lost position, lost control, and lost the game. It has happened before, and until it stops happening your statement doesn't stand as factual only opinionated.

    Again, not always. Again, assumptive to believe that the 40-5-1 guy was the big contributer, because in the end the money is where the standings truly show who did what to benefit their team the greatest, and I can also tell you that sometimes the guy with the most kills doesn't end up as the team MVP because there may have been someone who did enough tasks to ensure his team's victory.

    Often times, and I believe I've stated this before, the person with the most assists could have had a bigger hand in the team victory along with the person with the most bot kills. It's all dependent on the actual match breakdown and how things played out.

    So we can continue to drift off into your hypothetical scenario once more and completely avoid the facts of the game and the material evidence it can, has, and will continue to provide, or...yeah, you're not going to take the second option because that requires you going back under your bridge and avoiding sunlight any further before your roast under it.

    Let's just say that you can continue to ignorantly believe that the main objective is to kill Pros while the rest of the community - you know, the players with a brain and some sense of strategy - will continue to push the objective for those all more important victories (after all, you get paid more at the end of the round for winning than you do for simply getting a nice number of kills).
  4. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    ITT: posting essays makes you seem right

    Implying that someone thats 40-1 isnt going to ontop of his team is funny. the cool thing about going on a streak is you get SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE MONEY. More bots,annihilators, juice rushes.

    It doesn't matter what you think, because pro killers like me are going to destroy you every game <3. Have fun killing AI because its all you can do.
  5. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Is there a sparknotes for the last post?
  6. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    does it really matter? if you managed to push them into their spawn most likely they were being owned. in the first place.
  7. slingshot279

    slingshot279 New Member

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    I agree with some points of that, but honestly, can we drop this spawn killing thing?

    Guys, if it happens to you, you just need to get better and not let them put you into that position. And please don't be like every noob people and say things like, "that thing is way overpowered, NERF!", or "wow that thing is not even fair it is so f***ing overpowered." Just because you get beat by something does not mean it isn't fair. You wouldn't run into a problem like spawn killing if you had proper map control, which takes learning. Also you can't be a moron, meaning if you go out and die by a deployed gunner. Why the hell would you go out and die by him again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Switch to an assault and stick a bomb to his big *** and tell your teammates to start preparing for a defensive strategy. And get friends.


    Learn how to play the game and counter things before you rage and tell us about it. I have never had this problem, ever.
  8. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Except that this particular topic is about K/D farming which, almost be definition, ends up pointing directly to spawn killers, so complaining about people who are complaining about spawn killing in a thread that is pretty much about spawn killing/farming kills is just dumb.

    The argument that people need to "get better" is moot if you run into a party of skilled players and you are stuck with "randoms"...generally speaking, unless you are MUCH better than everyone on the other team, you are going to likely get bent over. It does not change the fact that camping the spawn is a cheap tactic, always has been, in any game, despite the fact that it may very well be effective....and using the excuse that you don't want the game to be over too quickly is equally lame. Here's a thought, help others to get better instead of teaching them cheap tactics. If I lose to an organized team that systematically pushed bots and destroyed the money ball quickly, I learn much more than dying after taking 3 steps from my spawn for 20 minutes.
  9. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    you say that as if none of us know how to play the game, and you are better than all of us.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Exactly how does one do that in a TEAM based game where you need your TEAM to help do the job of preventing kill farming spawn campers (nothing wrong with spawn camping if at least someone on the team is trying to win the objective and is doing damage to the downed moneyball - we've already established the OP of this thread was talking about instances where the other team is simply sitting on spawn for the sake of inflating their kill count).

    I can't, by myself, prevent this situation from happening, nor do I believe any one player is capable of stopping this kind of tactic if the other team is competent and capable of working as a unit to pull off a pinning feat. This doesn't break down to skill level as much as it does team work and even to a lesser degree team communication.

    Odds are if you're being pinned like this then the team wasn't balanced to some capacity and that your odds of fighting out of it without a few skilled players on your team to help fight back with an effective push. Your options then are to sit and wait for round to end or find a new lobby to join - there is no "just avoid getting caught in that situation" because you can't control your teammates actions that ultimately lead to being pinned at spawn.

    Off-topic, but I do feel the Assault is extremely hard to counter effectively with any class. That's just my take on it, though. Everything else I've been fine with - excluding the few Assassin's I run into that are attacking while still cloaked...I still don't get how that's working.

    And proper team work.

    I'm not exactly in favor of this scenario as your best example if only because it's making the blind assumption that half of the time you're getting killed in one-on-one battles, or battles you know are in the same corner as your previous death. Half of the time that this kill farming spawn camping method has occurred to me (and I think it's only happened like twice when I was first starting out, while the other spawn pins were legit strategies of map and moneyball control that I can't fault anyone for doing) I was killed from all angles, by different players of different classes, and so on and so forth. Like I said, it's a team effort that's pinning you, so it needs a team effort to stop.

    Also, I hate the idea of "preparing" a defense in this game (ie sitting at base like you would in most other FPS objective based games) as you're basically establishing a losing strategy freely giving your opponents map control. To me, in this game, a good defense is a push to the middle and a fight over that middle. Control of the annihilator is crucial, and control of its position is equally.

    Good for you - then odds are you were never given a string of bad teammates that didn't do their jobs correctly for the classes they picked that allowed for this sort of kill farming to occur to you - that doesn't mean that if it happens to others they should be silent and endure it. After a while, if this continues to happen to players they're likely to end up quitting the game instead of pushing forward and strengthening the communities numbers - you know, what continues to keep a game's longevity running.

    And again, this topic's pointed out the difference between the legit strategy of spawn pinning and spawn camping - even the OP has agreed there is nothing wrong with pinning an opponent at their spawn as you shred their downed moneyball, so that's not at question here. It also appears that a good chunk of the community here agrees there is a bit of an issue with spawning in this game and that there should be ways to counter spawn pinning/camping to lengthen games and provide addition strategy to it - so how has any of this hurt the community?

    In addition: ^^^^THIS^^^^

    I could learn to love this community for the number of brilliant minded people who step up and post such beautiful thoughts.

    Seriously, what defense is there for spawn camping that isn't beyond donkey-turd-licking retarded? Thus far it's been either "I don't want to end the game too early," or "learn to get better at the game." We won't even delve into Trollicated's "defense" which borders on torture of the English language - not to mention his crimes against reading comprehension and logical thought processing.

    But I'm digressing - the key isn't that the players being pinned by spawn camping/pinning are bad, it's the make-up of the team that isn't as skilled as their opponents. It's the circumstance that's symptomatic not the individuals.
  11. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Seriously, what defense is there for spawn camping that isn't beyond donkey-turd-licking retarded? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I hope you don't mind, but I am stealing this for my sig.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    It's times like this that I miss writing for websites. Oh well, back to being the lazy, fat-*** leech that I've become accustomed too. :cool:
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    By all that is holy...

    This topic is still alive?
  14. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    Have any of you played a competitive shooter before? The MOST EFFECTIVD way to win an objective gametype is the spawn trap.

    One person plays the objective(whether it be running the flag in halo or cod, or pushing bots in MNC).The rest of the team spawn kills to allow the objective player too win.

    Sure you can win the game other ways, but the above is the most fullproof and solid method. I think you should have to have at least a 2.00 k/d or a <100k gb rank to post strategy.
  15. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    So what tryhard game did u show up from. Mw2? Black Cops? Arcade games are serious business. If people want to play casual they can. Dont come on these forums ranting about being the best and telling others how to play because you have no say. Just because someones KD is higher doesnt mean they are the better player. Your comparing competitive games to a arcade game that probably wont reach GB again.
  16. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    This is a SHOOTER with MULTIPLAYER. Its the same aa COD and HALO. Similar strateys work in both games like map control, spawn killing, team roles etc.

    You can play casual in both games, just dont claim to be good if you kill AI rofl
  17. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    The game is a shooter but is a OBJECTIVE game at the same time. You dont get wins by how many kills you get.
  18. ASH

    ASH Member

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    Pretty sure this entire thread is directed at Oxyteam and their cohorts. Yes...I've watched Hudson's videos and I said it.
    I knew there was a reason I added all of OXY to my AVOID list. No interest in playing with UberNerds. (pun intended) I wonder how many new potential players they've driven off because of their pub stomping?
    Last edited: January 9, 2011
  19. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    you quoted my first post which clearly said that the MOST EFFECTIVE way to win any OBJECTIVE mode is spawn killing.

    How can the team play their objective/defend when they cam't leave spawn. Its a universal rule.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually it was aimed at Ian and myself.
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