Sir, I doff my hat to you. I (and I'm sure everyone else too) am incredibly appreciative of how hard you are working on this. Don't over-work yourselves though. Enjoy your weekends, you deserve it.
This looks awesome. One tiny winey thingey tho: next to the sliders could you add a box to type in an exact value? and have this be the way to "override" the sliders for 200% size etc too?
If I was replying to you I would be speaking in the present tense, therefore 1st singular present = amo. Anyways, now I can cry over the fact that we won't have multiple planets and orbital combat in time for PA day :cry:
Heyy..... I CAN move the camera on the planet if i put a planet size of 0. Sigh, i'll have to sell my third kidney to buy a better computer... By the way, i'm pretty sure everybody tried super big planet, but did someone tried little tiny planets ? I assure you, a minimal planet with maximal High can get some funny completly improbable results...
One thing to note - planets will have more limits on them, at least initially, when we release a build that allows you to play on customized planets. There's a number of reasons for this. First, there are a number of ways you can make unplayable planets (all water currently doesn't have any way to function, for instance. Second, some biomes are obviously incomplete. Lava planets MAY be playable, but metal planets are way too early to play on yet. Size of planets is one of the big ones. We will be limiting max radius to probably 1500 meters, or possibly a bit smaller. Reason being is that the current performance on huge planets will make the game effectively unplayable for most people, and also tax our servers in a way that's not helpful - we know those planets are to CPU intensive to run at the moment with large games, so we need to spend time optimizing where we can before we continue to allow larger and larger planets. Just want expectations set when we do release the next build.
Can you please leave us possibility to generate planets locally without limits? I really want to try it on server with 128GB RAM.
By the sound it I don't think that will be an issue, considering people are already able to tweak the limits in whatever way they choose.
If we can. Keep in mind, every time we have to make exceptions where you do X in one place, but only Y is supported over here, it creates a lot of extra throw away work and confusion, especially for people who aren't as familiar with the limits of the game. In general, things like this make more problems then they solve. :/
We able to edit limits because game executable doesn't have hard-coded limits. If they add hard-coded limit it's will be harder to "patch" it even if I don't want to play with planet on their server. So limit should be on server, not on client, it's what I asking about.
People who aren't familiar with limits won't edit UI files, isn't they? You can just reject connections from people who try to run games on planet with bigger radius than allowed. I don't want to lose possibility to generate planet with 500 radius instead of default 100 maximum, like here: viewtopic.php?p=763351#p763351 What problems you can get because of editor which work only locally? :cry:
Anyone technically capable enough to edit the UI will probably continue to be able to unlock what they want. Planet Editor will remain client side only, as there's no reason to tax a server with what is almost purely calculations.