K/D farming forumers.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lagoon7, December 31, 2010.

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  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I like this guy. :D
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Jon beat my meat......wait what? I mean beat me to it.

    And not because I was quoted. :D
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    what a pointless argument...bots and pros priorities change throughout the game.
  4. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    I wonder who is going to win a game, the team WHO CANT LEAVE THEIR SPAWN ir the team who is "spawn killing". Once you have a spawn trao setup the game IS OVER. You have obviously never played a competitive FPS before.

    News flash, a team can't push bots IF THEY CANT LEAVE SPAWN.
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Why didn't you chime in 10 pages ago?
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    there is a difference between people complaining about farming kills and people arguing about whats more important killing bots or pros. there is nothing more to say about people who don't play the objective. now that the discussion has changed i wanted to chime in just to say that this discussion is equally as pointless. why do you ask?

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    I don't think the discussion has changed from the original topic - farming kills via spawn camping and doing nothing more than spawn camping.

    The only reason I even divulged in the topic of what takes more precedence or priority in the game was to gut Trollicated's defense of focusing primarily on Pro killing. Of course the important thing in the game is to assess which issue is preventing you from winning the game, the bots or the Pros, but if all you ever do, from each game is focus solely on one aspect then you're missing the balance and not being a help to your team, regardless of your K/D ratio at the end of the game.

    Is it overall pointless to gripe about something? If that were always the case then how could you implement change if no one bothers to acknowledge that there is something wrong? Is it pointless now to complain about it? Maybe, but that's all dependent on whether Uber thinks kill farming spawn campers are a real deterrent to the game and need some sort of fix for.
  8. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    like i said there is a difference

    since i've been here i've probably read around 50 topics concerning it...just feel like it doesn't need to be discussed anymore. sorry!
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Wow. I can honestly say I agree with peachy.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Being new to all of this - the forum and the game - wasn't aware this was a recurring topic or theme. Figured it was just this topic discussion with Something-or-other-rated that kind of veered off on the tangent of Pro kills being more important.

    So you don't need to apologize, it was my misunderstanding. So I'm sorry.
  11. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Spawn killing was, and will continue to be, a cheap way to win games. In MNC, if you can set up an adequate trap for the other team, the game should be over shortly after the trap is sprung, not continuing on to overtime.
  12. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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  13. Waynezillatar

    Waynezillatar New Member

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    Not every pro has to take out bots and pros for a team to win. As a gunner, I know that it takes FOREVER for me to kill bots, so i rarely focus on them. If they are in my way, or at my base I will kill them, but mostly i focus on pros, and taht is not because I want to get teh most amount of kills. Some classes do a better job on pros than bots, and vica versa. If my team has pushed a team all the way into their spawn doors, then yes, I am going to stand on the bridge and shoot you as you come out of the front door.
    An easy solution to this would be to make a bottom hatch in each spawn so pros can exit protected underneath the base ring. Or a big jump pad that launches you to the center so you can come from behind and kill the spanw campers.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    I understand that certain classes do certain jobs better, but I don't see any class being unable to do the opposite task they were designed for. I've never fully felt the Gunner was best suited for Pro killing unless I was in mid-to-close range, so would instead focus on clearing lanes as best I could with the mortar, which did an efficient enough task for me but others may not have found that to be true for them.

    Yes, but the debate is upon whether that's your only focus (farming kills) or if you're just implementing the strategy of crowd control to kill the moneyball and win the game as quickly as possible.
  15. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I don't know why people say gunner can't kill bots...like Saint said, the mortar works well, I use it all the time for killing bots.
  16. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    It's not that he can't kill bots, but that he is least effective against them. Assassin can kill a whole wave with a lunge + swipe, Tank can Death Blossom, Support can Air Strike, Sniper can headshot and use explosive rounds, as well as freeze them, and the Assault can Bomb + Charge them while still attacking them with the Granade Launcher. The Gunner, however, has to use a slow firing explosive projectile to kill 1 or 2 at a time, and the rate that they kill bots compared to how fast other classes do is fairly apparent. Try out Blitz with them (if you haven't already) to see what I mean.

    A good number of these other classes can ALSO have to mobility to go from one lane to the other and do that same thing in the time it takes you to just kill 1 wave of bots, and the Gunner's extraordinarily-slow speed makes sure you won't be lane switching too often either.

    That being said, it's stupid to say that only killing pros, not bots, wins matches - it doesn't. It just prolongs the effect of their lane pushing. On the same token, though, in order for you to push lanes, you need to kill the pros in the lane to push your own bots forward. To win a game, it is important to kill BOTH pros and bots, as your bots cannot push themselves.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    Of course I kind of don't agree on the need to switch lanes, regardless of class, as more often than not if you push one lane hard while the other team tries to push the other. You can still be successful in pushing one lane, but I do see what you're saying in its necessity to be able to switch up and crash from both sides. The only place a Gunner can be completely effective in pushing lanes and not have to worry about lane switching is, of course, Spunky Cola (my favorite map), but like you said, other classes can do it more effectively. I just don't buy that the Gunner can't be effective, to some capacity, at pushing the bots.
  18. Zombinos20

    Zombinos20 New Member

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    Spawn camping is nowhere near strategy or skill. Your sad if you do it, I have and never will spawn camp because I enjoy the challenge of another team against me and friends.

    Disagree with me? Fine, but you suck hard if you spawn camp.
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    this. and that saints guy is cool in my book.
  20. Waynezillatar

    Waynezillatar New Member

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    I understand that spawn camping might drive new players away because it is not fun to get killed over and over again. I offer up the following counter argument. It is not fun for me to wait for 2-5 min for a game, only to have that game over in 2-5 minutes because the other team does nothing to offer up any defense for their ball. Also, it is not fun for me to sit and shoot at an inanimate object, when i could be killing living, breathing, swearing people. Learn to play the game and then you won't get whooped up on so much.
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