1. kankle

    kankle New Member

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    Saying that a PC players won't ever be as good as the 360 players is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

    Thats like saying 2 guys are racing, one has a fast stock car (360), and the other has the same car but has dropped $50,000 turning it into a Supercar (PC). They are both racing on the same track but the stock car has been practicing on it for a month, so AT FIRST the stock car will be winning. After the Supercar has a month of practice on the track and they both know the turns by heart, its no contest, the Supercar wins every time.

    Do you get what I am saying? Of course 360 players might SEEM better to you because they know the maps and inner workings of the game, but once the PC game actually gets released and more time goes by, they will surpass the 360 players in every way simply because they have better controls. Another obvious example is TeamFortess 2

    If you played 99999 hours on 360 and only 5 hours on PC, your opinion means nothing to me and you should GTFO of the PC forums.

    Thank you
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So Kankle you are basically agreeing with Billy? If not you need to re-word you racecar statement.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    First video game I have ever played was Starcraft. First FPS I have ever played was Unreal Tournament. I've played PC games all of my life. I've got at least 300 hours on my Steam proflie alone. I'm just not some PC elitist dbag who assumes that just because they use a mouse and keyboard, they are somehow magically better than someone who uses a controller, even someone who has put WAY more time into a game.

    I said almost exactly the same thing that you posted earlier. The players that play MNC on PC right now are crap compared to most of the players on the 360. Given some time, the PC players will be just as good as the console players, but right now, they aren't any fun to play against, because they just aren't good enough. Maybe if they read the guides from the 360 forums, they'd be better players, but wait, since they use a mouse and keyboard, they already know how to play the game perfectly. Sorry.
  4. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    Only 300 hours on the profile? I have 2700+ hours into Ut2k4 alone and I still deny I'm addicted to the game :-/

    Also first fps was UT what are you 14? No Wolfenstein3d, Doom, or Duke Nukem? I remember having problem running UT on my first PC because it was so advanced :-/

    Amazing how one person can have skills to pull an entire team, start challenging these noobs to a 1v6 you are obviously to high and mighty to have the weight of a TEAM weighing you down.
  5. Terror

    Terror New Member

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    Think all you ladies need to calm down.
  6. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    And read what billy is saying.


    Bold and caps for emphasis. How can you miss that?

    Anyway, is it a good idea to make this thread an advice thread where people can ask advice?
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I guess these forums have a three page rule. No matter if it is meant to be funny or not after three pages it becomes serious business.
  8. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Well, games are serious business, but only on the business part. The rest is up to the player.

    Also, which classes are bad at pushing lanes and why?(just to kick things off)
  9. velo

    velo New Member

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    What gametype(s)? I probably have about the same amount of time invested.. mostly in VCTF though (pubs are still somewhat active last I checked.)

    I whore the Railgun in this game because it reminds me of the Shock Rifle :lol:
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I'm confused. He's an idiot for saying that the people that have been playing the game for months are more of a challenge than the people that have been playing the game for a couple of weeks?
  11. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    Started ONS then moved to iCTF and TAM mostly. I like harassing those sniper mod servers but usually bet banned for "cheating" off those servers quick because they are run by idiots

    I remember playing on fat jimmys occasionally back in the day. TAM still has a few populated servers. TST's server is still up and still iCTF just with a different name I think.
  12. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    That's... a lot. I play more console games than I do PC, but I'm just trying to make the point that I'm not new to PC gaming. I'm also not saying that PC players are garbage, I'm just saying that they aren't as good as the console players yet because they don't have the same amount of experience with the game. Which brings me back to my first post in this thread:
    Good endorsement setups, good bot pushing strategies, and they give you a good idea of how to set up your own classes.
  13. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Makes me wonder why we need another strategy and tactics section :/
  14. velo

    velo New Member

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    I've probably played with you before then..Fat Jimmy's was all I played on back in the day. Unfortunately the gametype really started going downhill when it went offline.

    Played a bit of TAM too, used to frequent the KHz server and a couple others.

    That thread made my head hurt.."we don't allow the Jugggernaut class" ..LMFAO.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

    Likes Received:
    That is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever read. :/ You've spent 112 days of your life playing one game. One. How many more days have you spent on others?
    Get some fresh air. :S
  16. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Over a span of how many years? Maybe he does get fresh air... 30min to an hour is suffice I would say. Unreal 2k4 came out such a long time ago, I wouldn't doubt if thats the only game he played that he would have that many hours.
    Last edited: January 8, 2011
  17. velo

    velo New Member

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    How so?

    It's not like he racked that amount of time up in one or two years. It's obviously over the course of many..UT2004 has been out long enough that he'd only have to play about an hour a day to rack up that kind of time.

    I'm sorry you haven't come across an excellent, deep game that you've been able to spend many years with. Console gamers in general are like that.. they tend to flock from one game to the next, whereas games on PC can be active for a decade.
  18. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    112 total days in a game over the course of 7 years isn't bad

    I spend somewhere around 80 total days of time sitting in a cubicle every year. Over the same 7 years that would be 560 days. That's far more depressing!
  19. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    I had nearly 3000 hours in TF2... (iirc, 2700-2800)
    And like, that's only over 2-3 years.... >.>

    Sadface :(
  20. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    The amount of custom content made for ut2004 and UT is insane. In fact VCTF was a game-type that was completely made by the community, there was never any official maps made for VCTF all are community made. There is still a few people that make maps for ut2004 as well. Other popular custom gametypes is "race" maps and invasion RPG, both still have semi active communities.

    The mod-ability of this game is also makes it really a one stop shop, I played killing floor as a mod before it was made into a full retail game. Ballistics is a great weapon mod. Alien swarm is a total conversion mod.

    I've set my game cache to never clear and have had to manually delete it over time as it becomes huge. At one point I had over 18 gb of custom content alone from playing on servers.

    If you want to really see people that play allot ask some people in Wow to post their hours, if they have played since the beginning I can guarantee almost all them game more hours (else you are really burning $15 if you didn't play that much).

    I think I might have spent over 1000 hours on Diablo 2 but I'll never really know as many the hours were never tracked. Steam just recently started to track game hours. I have nearly 100 hours into Boarderlands and over 100 into UT3. Many Single player games I wont turn on Xfire as its a distraction and/or buggy with certain games, so some games like stalker are likly closer to 60+ hours even if it only shows 9 on xfire.

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