Cosmic Edition - Some questions?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by tanksy, April 29, 2013.

  1. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Hello, I recently purchased the Cosmic Edition of PA, and named planets and whatnot.

    First question: When do I get my physical items? Before release? On the day?

    Second question: When naming planets I chose a name and then an "Alternative". Are both these planet names being put into the game, or is the Alternative being used if the first isn't available/already taken?

  2. atua

    atua Member

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    In response to your first question, physical items will be sent just before, or around the release date of the game.

    In response to your second question, both names could be used, the alternative is provided if the first name is inappropriate in some way. I don't see it being a problem if one of your choices is already taken, it's not like the game will indicate who provided what name, so it just means two ppl feel the warm and fuzzies when that name is used, instead of one. :)
  3. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Thanks for the response !

    If both names are perfectly fine, would there be a chance of both names cropping up on planets?

    I'm asking this because when I purchased the Cosmic edition, I put both the planets related to a story me and my friend came up with based on our own player-run organisations across several games. Basically, I put our organisation's home-planet names in. It would be awesome if both those names could appear in-game.

    Many many warm fuzzies will be had when I see one of my planet names :'D
  4. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    The first name will be used. If it's already taken or its inappropriate, the second one will be used.

    I'm not sure what will the planet generator be, will it be "Name-Numbers" or some sort of combination of letters or simply your planet name will be used randomly among all other planets when people play on Uber's servers but it will be just one out of two that you had written.

    I hope we will be able to choose if we want a random name or our own when we decide to start a new game. Would be awesome to say "Hello guys here we are on Petardia building some stuff..." Nerdgasms everywhere
  5. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    It would be brilliant to choose the planet name, or even rename planets and bases in-game.

    Thanks for the responces :)
  6. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    We honestly have no reason to not use both names provided, if they're acceptable. In rare cases where neither name is acceptable (profanity, or generally offensive options) we'll get in touch with the person if we can to get alternates.

    The shipping information is correct. We'll try and ship it a little before launch (post-beta) but most of that will depend on manufacturing scheduling limits. :)
  7. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    I was also concerned about the planetary naming, as it describes the second choice as 'alternate' upon purchase, but the description for the Cosmic Edition says 'You'll be able to provide two names that will be used to generate planet names'. If that is the case that's very reassuring :)
    Can't wait to do battle over a planets I named myself!
  8. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Um, about naming, are copy-righted franchise names considered acceptable? I kinda hope not.

    I might flip a table If I get spawned on Planet Equestria or something :?
  9. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    I wanted to get Empyrrean into the list of planets :p

    (Yes, the name of the Arm homeworld in TA. Love it)
  10. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Petardia and Petardis will be the most glorious planets in the game. ALL HAIL YOUR GOD PETARD!
  11. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Empyrean is probably allowable; it's a word in the regular English language. It's difficult (but not impossible) to claim copyright over a word that you didn't invent.
  12. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Empyrean would be a quality name for a planet (I'm very pro-Arm in TA) and would probably be allowed either way since Cavedog no longer exist, so there shouldn't be any copyright issues.
  13. warlockgs

    warlockgs Member

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    I'm hoping I end up on a Lava planet someday by the name of ZOMGWTFBBQ, because that would be hilarious.
  14. Tearor

    Tearor New Member

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    I don't believe there is an issue with copyrighted names, as the names are not being put in a simular context as to what they were copyrighted for. I'm not super knowledgable about intellectual property laws but my understanding is that a name can be used for anything other then a copy of the original object unless the name is a registered trademark, like how most brand names are. So it is allowable to have a planet named Equestria (since Equestria is a setting not a planet name) but not allowable to have a planet named Coca-Cola (as that is a registered trademark).

    It will be up to the developers to choose what names are acceptable and what names could be considered offensive, but keep in mind that if you host your own server you should be able to change what names are part of the random selection list on your server. This means you could generate a galaxy with all the names of planets from Star Wars if you simply made them the only names in the list.

    When it comes to changing names, I'm not so sure thats a good idea. Such features tend to be more hastle then they are worth and it makes it difficult to name contested planets. It's also just an open invitation for abuse between players especially in public games, so I don't feel that such a feature is nessisary or helpful to the gameplay.
  15. hmstryx

    hmstryx New Member

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    strictly speaking - look and feel, characters in books, and any major brand name (i.e. - likely to show endorsement by a corporation without their consent in the use of a product name or brand) and the use of identities of people now provided by consent of parent(s), would be right out.

    Dealing with this sort of (trademark infringement in sabotage activity) for about 12 years now, including use of children's names and identities to create damage to victims.

    In all, as a trademark holder and corporate officer of established companies, we hope we get our planet names (2) as promised. Because that is a very critical part of cosmic for us, and the use of a "drop in list" would indeed destroy the game value overnight. Internet naming conventions should be limited, to keep the game from turning into a very ugly fallout / Saints-Row mod.

    Stay classy. Consent from corporate sponsors is hard to win. Set the right atmosphere (Club Caribe style) and you can do it.

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